Textile Technology
Showing 16–30 of 124 results
Coming soon, Textile Technology
Artificial Intelligence In Textile Manufacturing By Er. Sabeer Patnaik (Hardcover)
Coming soon, Textile TechnologyArtificial Intelligence In Textile Manufacturing By Er. Sabeer Patnaik (Hardcover)
AI or Artificial Intelligence in Textile Manufacturing” delves into the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on one of the oldest industries known to humanity. This book offers an insightful exploration of how AI technologies are revolutionizing every aspect of textile production, from design and manufacturing to distribution and sustainability. Through a blend of theoretical frameworks, practical case studies, and future projections, readers embark on a journey through the intricate web of algorithms, robotics, and data analytics reshaping the textile landscape. Whether it’s optimizing production processes, enhancing product quality, or fostering innovation, this book illuminates the myriad ways in which AI is reshaping the future of textile manufacturing. It is an indispensable guide for professionals, researchers, and enthusiasts eager to navigate the intersection of technology and tradition in the textile industry.
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Textile Technology
Artificial Silk: Its Manufacture and Uses by Thomas Woodhouse (H.B)
ISBN: 9788182470057This book on Artificial Silk is issued mainly in response to the public demand for information as to the uses of this substance, which, although comparatively new, is being found suitable for an increasingly great number of purposes.It is hoped, also, that it may afford to those engaged in the production and distribution of artificial silk and union products a concise and intelligible description of the chief operations involved in the separation of the cellulose from the raw materials, the making of the yarns, and the subsequent processes of winding, warping, sizing, beaming, weaving, and knitting..The Author takes this opportunity of thanking the many machine makers and manufacturers who have kindly provided blocks for illustrative purposes, and rendered help in other ways.SKU: n/a -
Textile Technology
Artificial Silks by S.R.Trotman & E.R. Trotman (H.B)
In this handy book, the manufacture, properties, bleaching, dyeing and finishing of the different kind of commercial artificial silks are described from the point of view of the students who has already acquired the knowledge of chemistry. The differentiation of the varieties and their general analysis is dealt with also, as well as the methods used in the examination of the raw materials. It will be observed that a great many patents have been referred to, and a list of this is given in the index. The inclusion of so many patent references is due partly, as noted above, to the fact that much of the published work is only available in the form of patent specifications, but, at the same time, the enormous amount of work which has been devoted to the subject is thus indicated.So lot of material on the subject is added with illustrations and diagrams and discussed in simple and easy way so that the students, researchers can easily understand the subject.SKU: abhas -
Textile Technology
Bleaching of Linen Cotton Yarn and Fabrics by L.Tailfer (Hardback)
- Page : 337
- ISBN : 978-8182474215
- Dimensions : 22 x 14.5 x 2 cm
This masterpiece book on bleaching have more than fifty illustrations to make it easier for the reader and user. It covers almost all the aspects of bleaching processes and techniques. Every point is discussed in simple and lucid language. Author hopes that this work prove value to those who require extensive and to the point information on the whole process and techniques.
CONTENTS OF THE BOOK IN SHORT : Water the solvent for impurities in the fibres and the vehicle for reagents used in bleaching, the Installation of Bleach Works
Definition of Bleaching, Steeping, Singeing, Washing its End and importance, Lime Boiling, Caustic and Carbonated Alkali, Lye Boiling: General Methods, Sprcial methods of Lye Boiling, Bleaching on Grass, Bleaching by Peroxides, Perborates and by Ozone, Chlorene and Chloride of lime and their use in bleaching, Energy of Hypochlorites and Bleaching, Sours, Linen Bleaching: examples of methods, Bleaching of Cotton Fabrics, Bleaching of Hemp and Jute, Drying by Steam, Drying by Hot Air, Damages to Fabrics in Bleaching and in warehousing.
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Textile Technology
Bleaching of Textile Fibres by Rajesh Kalra (H.B)
ISBN: 978-81-8247-354-6
“Bleaching of Textile Fibres” incorporates the necessary information about all the presentments given to various textile fibres like cotton, wool, silk, Rayon, Polyester, Nylon, Acrylic, Acetate, jute, linen, etc. This book will be useful to all the students, engineers and professionals related to various disciplines of Textiles, Fashion and Garment. The matter has been explained in easy to understand language and all efforts have been made to simplify complex points easily understandable.
About the Autho: Rajesh Kalra is presently working as lecturer in Textile Processing Department at Govt. Polytechnic Hisar. He has experience of 15 years in teaching. He completed his B.Tech (Textile Chemistry) from Technological Institute oTextiles and Sciences, Bhiwani in 1988. He has participated in various workshops organized to design and redesign the curriculum of Diploma in Textile Processing for Haryana state.
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Textile Technology
Career in Textile & fashion Designing by Cameron Luther (H.B)
This book deals with the art of fashion and textile designing. Clothes play an important role in our lives. They boost up the personality of a person and reflect upon the taste of the person and the class to which he or she belongs. The textile industry plays an important role in the making of a work which has its own language. All things, from the fall of the fabric to its feel, have to be considered while creating a chic garment that matches the best standards of the designing industry.- ISBN-13 : 978-8182471009
Fashion designing has slowly become a serious industry, where everything is taken into consideration from the functionality to the haute couture. It also deals with the exploration of various techniques of giving individuality and personal touch to a work. It can make a day-to-day wear into something exclusive. A touch of imagination can make a lot of difference to your personality. A good pattern speaks volumes about our imagination and the way it is presented.The book is an effort to bring out latent talent in the reader. The information revealed in the pages will give you an insight into the technicalities of the two fields of creative heights.SKU: n/a -
Textile Technology
Changing Trends in Apparel Industry by N.S.Kaplan (H.B)
isbn: 978-81-85733-71-6
This book includes:
1.changing trends in apparel industry
2.apparel management
3.apparel industries and allied activities
4.dry cleaning
5.measurement of mechanical properties
6.the weaving industry
7.techonological changes in apparel industries
Developing countries like India and China–with vast infrastructure, immense skilled manpower and low cost regime are set to gain maximum from these positive emerging trends. Big multinational companies are are not only shifting their manufacturing units to these developing lands, but are also making use of the Outsourcing phenomenon on a bigger scale. This is an ideal situation for our country–already basking under the glorious and benign sunshine of software industry.Presently, we need hordes of specialized, skilled and semi-skilled manpower to encase the opportunities thrown open by emerging trends in this field. This treatise on CHANGING TRENDS IN THE APPAREL INDUSTRY is a humble effort in this pursuit. It deals with different aspects like weaving, measurement, manufacturing, sewing, dyeing and dry-cleaning processes under the flood-lights of modern times. Topics like Management of apparel industry and the labour rights also find due mention in this volume.
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Coming soon, Textile Technology
Clothing and Health: An Elementary Textbook of Home Making By by Helen Kinne , Anna Maria Cooley
Coming soon, Textile TechnologyClothing and Health: An Elementary Textbook of Home Making By by Helen Kinne , Anna Maria Cooley
This book is intended for use in the elementary schools in those sections of the country where the home life is of the type described. It is hoped that the volume will be used by home people as well as the at the school. This book treats largely of the clothing problems and of the elementary work in sewing which precedes garment making
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Textile Technology
Colour Matching on Textiles by David Paterson (H.B)
Although a valuable and extensive literature is already devoted to the textile arts, no book has yet appeared on the important subject of the colour-matching of dyed textiles. The subject is a comprehensive one, comprising as it does the study of colour perception, the qualities of day-light, the optical properties of the fibres and dyestuffs employed, and also the influences of artificial illumination on colour appearances.This little manual attempts, as far as possible, to systematise and elucidate the many perplexing phenomena that come before the dyer and colour chemist in the course of their everyday work. How far this attempt succeeds lies with the reader himself to judge: but I hope it may prove a genuine help to the practical man as well as to the student.SKU: n/a -
Textile Technology
Comfort Properties of Textile Materials By Dr. N. Gokarneshan , Dr. S. Kavitha
The book deals with THE COMFORT PROPERTIES OF TEXTILE MATERIALS. Comfort is an important aspect of textile materials when it is being intended for use as dress materials. The book has compiled the various significant areas in the field during the past few years. It would provide a comprehensive reading to readers and also promote future research. It is hoped that the contents of the book would prove useful and informative to readers.
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Technology, Textile Technology
Cotton Weaving And Designing [Hardcover]by John T. Taylor
Taylor’s “Cotton weaving” has enjoyed a reputation among students who have attended Day and Evening Classes in textile Weaving and Design for many years. However, some important features have been found lacking, and others need expansion to meet modern requirements.
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Textile Technology
Cotton Weaving and Designing by John T. Taylor (H.B)
In this handy volume the author has conveniently arranged hand book dealing with the various branches of cotton & weaving industry. It We found to meet almost all the regiments on industry engaged in manufacturing of cotton textiles.The text on which the based is expressed in the title and in enlarging upon it the author has endeavored to describe clearly and in detail the various process and operation generally, pointing out the principals Involved and illustrating these by numerous recipies, showing the application of a great variety of weaving and designing in the production.This book is complete working guide to modern practice in the manufacture of cotton weaving and designing, including the sores, natural properties, grading and cleansing of the raw material, the machinery and the process of factory work.So, this book is useful for industry, students of textile and every institute.SKU: n/a -
Textile Technology
Decorative Design History in Indian Textiles & Costumes :Bhatnagar, P
isbn: 978-81-8247-087-0
This book includes :
1.evolution of design
2.characterstics of textiles and costumes
3.artistic forms
4.archives of museums and design centres
5.contemporary design forms
6.future of decorative design
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Textile Technology
Dictionary Of Textiles by M. G. Mahadevan (Hardcover)
textile technology, textile science and textile engineering had come a long way from the dungeons of the ancient weavers. Now, with its own chemical and physical intonations, textiles have kinds of shades, designs, prints and er qualities–not even dreamed of previous times. Similarly, there numerous and mutually non conforming methods as well as processes of production, finishing and presentation. And above all, there is discernible shift from natural woolen and cotton fibers to synthetic ones. The process of change being very fast, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of the old and new processes and the terms and words in vogue at different points time. Again, ultra-mechanization and sophistication has cl the system to the limits of unrecue. This volume–A DICTIONARY OF TEXTILE TECHNOLOGY–is prepared with idea of keeping these terms afloat so that anyone in need can catch the one with ease. It is hoped that it will serve as a reference book to the students, teachers and masters of the subject.
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