Showing 916–930 of 935 results
Polytechnic Textbooks
Engineering Drawing 1 :Punjab Rai: Common For All Polytechnic Courses
Author : Punjab Rai (Thapar University)
ISBN: 9788182473881
The book covers complete syllabus for 1st semester diploma in engineering courses across India. The contents cover the 1st semester syllabus of all the state boards of technical education in India and are at parity with AICTE guidelines. Ample amount of questions, MCQs and sample papers are given in this book.
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Functional English
Communicating Effectively In English: Ritika Sinha, (9788182476318)
ISBN: 9788182476318
Year Of Publication: 2016
The book covers the following chapters:
- Introduction
- Mathematical Theory
- English Language origin and usage
- Spelling Rules
- Phonology, Orthography and Pronounciation
- Modulation
- Errors In Spoken English
- Telephone and Email Ettiquette
- Effective Speaking Skills
- Importance of Communication Skills
- Steps To Improve Communication Skills
- Commonly Misused English Language Phrases
- Do’s and Dont’s
- Handling Difficult Calla
- Call Centre Training
- Glossary
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Functional English
How To Write Correct English: Ritika Sinha (9788182476325)
ISBN: 9788182476325
Year of Publications: 2016
As the name suggests, this book helps its readers in learning the art of writing correct english. It encircles various important topics like:
- Essentials of English Language
- The Sentences
- Figurative Language
- Punctuation
- Letter Writing
- Pitfalls to Avoid
- Writing Styles
- Suggestions
- Slangs
- Writing For Newspapers
- Choice of words
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I.T.I. Books
Employbility Skills: NSQF 5: Complete Course: With Sample Papers & MCQs
Employbility skills NSQF 5 is a common and compulsory subject for all ITI courses running under DGET. This book covers complete syllabus for the subject as per the latest semester pattern syllabus devised by DGET. The book strictly follows NIMI Pattern. The book has ample number of MCQs and sample papers inside.
SKU: abhpubemp -
Polytechnic Textbooks
English & Communication Skills – 2 : P.K. Singla: Alwinder Dhillon
This is an exclusively prescribed book on the subject by the State Board of Technical Education, New Delhi and State Board of Technical Education, Punjab. This a compulsory subject in all the technical as well as non technical courses. The book Covers Reading Skills, Speaking Skills, Listening Skills and Writing Skills and comes with a CD.
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Polytechnic Textbooks
English & Communication Skills -1 : P.K. Singla; Alwinder Dhillon
This is an exclusively prescribed book on the subject by the State Board of Technical Education, New Delhi and State Board of Technical Education, Punjab. This a compulsory subject in all the technical as well as non technical courses. The book Covers Reading Skills, Speaking Skills, Listening Skills and Writing Skills and comes with a CD.
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I.T.I. Books
Turner Theory: NIMI Pattern: Hindi: For Complete Course: With MCQs
The book covers complete syllabus for turner for all the 4 semesters as per the latest semester pattern syllabus drafted by DGET. The book strictly follows NIMI Pattern and has sufficient number of MCQs in each chapter.
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I.T.I. Books
Basic Electrician Thoery : NSQF 5 Latest Pattern: For complete 2 years course: Hindi: With MCQs
I.T.I. BooksBasic Electrician Thoery : NSQF 5 Latest Pattern: For complete 2 years course: Hindi: With MCQs
This is the best book on electrician theory as pet the latest NSQF 5 pattern, it adheres to nimi pattern standards and is for complete 2 years course. The book includes proper explanation of all the topics and includes good number of solved examples as well as good number of mcqs and relative questions
SKU: n/a -
Brainwashed Republic
BRAINWASHED REPUBLIC, a book that gives a fact based tour of the lies, biases and propaganda that makes up the current NCERT history text books.
“Brainwashed Republic brings to the fore the impunity with which the NCERT was compromised during the UPA (United Progressive Alliance) regime. – Dr Subramanian Swami
The book, ‘Brainwashed Republic’, is a must read for every Indian for making an objective assessment of the damage done to our educational system by the slavish manipulators of our culture and history embedded in NCERT. – Ram Ohri
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