Showing 151–165 of 978 results
Coming soon, Self Help
Chanakya’s Wisdom : Sri Chanakya Niti-Shastra, Its Meaning and Application in Modern Times by B.N. Ojha (Hardcover)
Coming soon, Self HelpChanakya’s Wisdom : Sri Chanakya Niti-Shastra, Its Meaning and Application in Modern Times by B.N. Ojha (Hardcover)
Strategies for Success“An action contemplated shouldn’t ever be advertised; But kept a secret like a mantra, and revealed in time.”We all feel stuck at times. There could be many reasons for this—issues at work, finding it difficult to cope up with studies, job placements, business growth, establishing an enterprise financial troubles or embarrassing social situations. Most of us could use a little advice in these circumstances. Chanakya Neeti provides precisely that guidance to face life’s many daunting challenges. Chanakya, the great thinker and teacher, is well-known for his insights into the needs of both the privileged and the masses. The original Chanakya Neeti was written over two thousand years ago, but its brilliant verses are still applicable today because the basic quests of man remain the same—peace, prosperity and happiness. In this book we will not just take you through the traslated version of the chanakya neeti but also explain in details the meaning and relavence of those verses in your life. This book is helpful for students, professionals, entrepreneurs and home makers alike. So read it to get enlightened. It offeres strategies and ideas how to manage oneself and life in order to ther maximum reward in life.
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Textile Technology
Changing Trends in Apparel Industry by N.S.Kaplan (H.B)
isbn: 978-81-85733-71-6
This book includes:
1.changing trends in apparel industry
2.apparel management
3.apparel industries and allied activities
4.dry cleaning
5.measurement of mechanical properties
6.the weaving industry
7.techonological changes in apparel industries
Developing countries like India and China–with vast infrastructure, immense skilled manpower and low cost regime are set to gain maximum from these positive emerging trends. Big multinational companies are are not only shifting their manufacturing units to these developing lands, but are also making use of the Outsourcing phenomenon on a bigger scale. This is an ideal situation for our country–already basking under the glorious and benign sunshine of software industry.Presently, we need hordes of specialized, skilled and semi-skilled manpower to encase the opportunities thrown open by emerging trends in this field. This treatise on CHANGING TRENDS IN THE APPAREL INDUSTRY is a humble effort in this pursuit. It deals with different aspects like weaving, measurement, manufacturing, sewing, dyeing and dry-cleaning processes under the flood-lights of modern times. Topics like Management of apparel industry and the labour rights also find due mention in this volume.
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Classical Dances Of India By Shobha Koser (Hardcover)
Classical Dances Of India [hardcover] Koser, S [Jan 01, 2010] Readings and activities designed to help students improve their comprehension and response skills. Classroom–tested lessons include brief reading selections followed by constructed response and multiple–choice questions and thinking and writing activities. Reading Comprehension Boosters is flexible and can be used as a core or supplemental program, as test prep, or for intervention with individual students or groups.
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Coming soon, Textile Technology
Clothing and Health: An Elementary Textbook of Home Making By by Helen Kinne , Anna Maria Cooley
Coming soon, Textile TechnologyClothing and Health: An Elementary Textbook of Home Making By by Helen Kinne , Anna Maria Cooley
This book is intended for use in the elementary schools in those sections of the country where the home life is of the type described. It is hoped that the volume will be used by home people as well as the at the school. This book treats largely of the clothing problems and of the elementary work in sewing which precedes garment making
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Textile Technology
Colour Matching on Textiles by David Paterson (H.B)
Although a valuable and extensive literature is already devoted to the textile arts, no book has yet appeared on the important subject of the colour-matching of dyed textiles. The subject is a comprehensive one, comprising as it does the study of colour perception, the qualities of day-light, the optical properties of the fibres and dyestuffs employed, and also the influences of artificial illumination on colour appearances.This little manual attempts, as far as possible, to systematise and elucidate the many perplexing phenomena that come before the dyer and colour chemist in the course of their everyday work. How far this attempt succeeds lies with the reader himself to judge: but I hope it may prove a genuine help to the practical man as well as to the student.SKU: n/a -
Coming soon, Religion & Philosophy
Combating A.D.H.D. With Vedic Mantras; Essential For Boosting Focus, Confidence and Eradicating Negativity (Paperback)
Coming soon, Religion & PhilosophyCombating A.D.H.D. With Vedic Mantras; Essential For Boosting Focus, Confidence and Eradicating Negativity (Paperback)
ADHD or Attention Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, is a neurological disorder that is effecting large number of children and adults alike. Vedic Mantras, though not a remedy, but help as a support system for the patient to combat ADHD, along with medical and therapeutic treatments. These mantras help the children to have a better attention span, focus, control etc that can add up to their overall wellbeing. Warning: Vedic mantras can be helpful, they should be used as an additional support alongside other appropriate interventions for managing ADHD.
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Textile Technology
Comfort Properties of Textile Materials By Dr. N. Gokarneshan , Dr. S. Kavitha
The book deals with THE COMFORT PROPERTIES OF TEXTILE MATERIALS. Comfort is an important aspect of textile materials when it is being intended for use as dress materials. The book has compiled the various significant areas in the field during the past few years. It would provide a comprehensive reading to readers and also promote future research. It is hoped that the contents of the book would prove useful and informative to readers.
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Functional English
Communicating Effectively In English: Ritika Sinha, (9788182476318)
ISBN: 9788182476318
Year Of Publication: 2016
The book covers the following chapters:
- Introduction
- Mathematical Theory
- English Language origin and usage
- Spelling Rules
- Phonology, Orthography and Pronounciation
- Modulation
- Errors In Spoken English
- Telephone and Email Ettiquette
- Effective Speaking Skills
- Importance of Communication Skills
- Steps To Improve Communication Skills
- Commonly Misused English Language Phrases
- Do’s and Dont’s
- Handling Difficult Calla
- Call Centre Training
- Glossary
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English Classics
Confessions of a Thug: Philip Meadows Taylor
Confessions of a Thug is an English novel written by Philip Meadows Taylor in 1839 based on the Thuggee cult in British India.12 It was a best-seller in 19th-century Britain, becoming the British Empire‘s most sensational ethnographic fiction in the first half of the 19th century; its avid readers included Queen Victoria.
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Construction Project Management: Prof. Harbhajan Singh
The book covers the following units in detail:
- Introduction To Construction Management
- Types of Contracts
- Construction Planning and Bar Chart
- Role of an Architect In Construction Management
- Network Techniques CPM and PERT
- Project Cost Optimization
- Resource Scheduling Using CPM
- Line of Balance Method For Repetitive Type of Building
- Scientific Methods of Project Management
- Inspections and Quality Control
- Project Disputes and Their Resolution
- Main Cause of Project Failure
- Temporary Services at Construction Site
- Job Layout and Security of Materials
- Safety Precautions at Construction Site
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