Showing 511–525 of 978 results
Self Help
Psychic Perceptions By Dr. Joseph Murphy (Hardcover)
Everyone possesses psychic powers and can be presently aware of events and experiences transcending the five senses. This book teaches you to use these extraordinary psychic powers to benefit your daily living to an amazing extent. It explains how to contact the Infinite Healing Presence within you, and supplies you with specific techniques for putting your extrasensory powers into operation for your practical benefit.
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Business & Economics, Business Development
Public Finance And Governance [hardcover] Dr.T.Gopinath,Dr.K.Gopikala
Business & Economics, Business DevelopmentPublic Finance And Governance [hardcover] Dr.T.Gopinath,Dr.K.Gopikala
Financial administration is a cornerstone of effective organisational management, encompassing the principles and practices that govern the allocation, management, and utilisation of financial resources. This book PubliFinancece and Governance. The Dynamics of Financial Administration delves into the intricacies of financial administration, offering insights into its theoretical foundations and practical applications across various sectors and organisational contexts. It explores how financial decisions impact organisational performance, sustainability, and strategies.
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political treatise
Public Policy [hardcover] Dr.T.Gopinath,Dr.Hiranniya kalesh.P
Public Policy is the cornerstone of societal progress, shaping the frameworks within which communities thrive and nations evolve. this book emerges from a profound recognition of public police policy’s intricate processes and profound impacts on our daily lives. it is an endeavour to delve into the mechanisms of policy formulation, the dynamic interplay of stakeholders, and the resultant socio-economic landscapes that policies sculpt.
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Self Help
Pushing to The Front: The World Makes way for the determined man by Orison Swett Marden (Hardback)
Self HelpPushing to The Front: The World Makes way for the determined man by Orison Swett Marden (Hardback)
- Page : 712 pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182479388
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 5 cm
It is doubtful whether any other book, outside of the Bible, has been the turning-point in more lives. It has sent thousands of youths, with renewed determination, back to school or college, back to all sorts of vocations which they had abandoned in moments of discouragement. It has kept scores of business men from failure after they had given up all hope. It has helped multitudes of poor boys and girls to pay their way through college who had never thought a liberal education possible. The author has received thousands of letters from people in nearly all parts of the world telling how the book has aroused their ambition, changed their ideals and aims, and has spurred them to the successful undertaking of what they before had thought impossible. The book has been translated into many foreign languages. In Japan and several other countries it is used extensively in the public schools. Distinguished educators in many parts of the world have recommended its use in schools as a civilization-builder.
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Raag Rahasya Vol. 2 by Acharya Brihaspati (Hardcover)
- Page : 194
- ISBN : 978-9393198839
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 cm
The secret of Hindustani Sastriya Sangeet Raagas such as Yaman, Raag Yaman, Shuddh Bilawal, Shuddh Khamaj, Misra Khamaj, Shuddh Kafi & Misr Kafi etc (History book, india history, history of india, modern india, historical book, inspiration book, story of india)
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Raag Sangam by Pt. Shankar Lal Mishra (Hardcover)
ISBN: 978-81-8247-426-0, Page:354, Edition: 2012
This book includes following these chapters: 1.sarswati, 2.shanker priya, 3.sri ranjani, 4.sukumari, 5.ushawali, 6.vaachaspati, 7.kalyan vasanth, 8.hanslata, 9.girvani, 10.sheshnaad, 11.aabhogi, 12.basant mukhaari, 13.bhakt priya, 14.deshiya todi, 15.gamak kriya, 16.gambheer nat, 17.hansdhwani, 18.chaarukeshi, 19.dharmaavati, 20.kokila pancham, 21.lok ranjani, 22.mallika basantam, 23.manirangu, 24.manoranjini, 25.marg deshika, 26.naad kalyani, 27.naarayani, 28.poorn shadj, 29.ramaavati, 30.ranjani, 31. rasavali, 32. ratipriya, 33. kiranvani
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Coming soon, Fiction
Rainbow Valley :Unabridged Original Classic by Lucy Maud Montgomery (Hardcover)
First published in 1919, Lucy Maud Montgomery’s “Rainbow Valley” is the seventh novel chronologically in the “Anne of Green Gables” saga, though it was published fifth. This installment of the timeless series finds Anne Shirley happily married to Gilbert Blythe for 15 years, busy raising their six children. Soon the family has an unusual neighbor when the new Presbyterian minister John Meredith, a widower, moves into an old mansion nearby with his four children. Most of the community views the Meredith children as wild and unmannered andquestion John’s ability to raise them on his own and thus be a good minister to the village. The Blythe family is the only one to see another side of this misunderstood family and witness their kindness and generosity. Soon all the children work together to solve problems both big and small, from finding a home for a starving orphan, helping John find love again, to saving a favored rooster from death. “Rainbow Valley” is an enjoyable and heartwarming addition to the popular and well-loved saga of Anne and her family.
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Rajmohan’s Wife by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee (Hardcover)
Rajmohan’s Wife, first serialized in 1864, marked Bankimchandra Chattopadhyay’s debut as a writer. He went on to write fourteen novels in Bengali, including the epochal Anandamath and the verse ‘Vande Mataram’, which became the national song of India. The beautiful and passionate Matangini, married to a villainous man and in love with her sister’s husband, represents the vitality of women who remain strong in the face of brutality and the confining expectations of middle-class society. Bankimchandra’s vivid descriptions of the routine of Bengali households provide a revealing portrait of life in the nineteenth century.Rajmohan’s Wife continues to be relevant for its universal themes of love and romance and resonates even today for its portrayal of strong women.
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Coming soon, Hindi Literature
Ram Ki Shakti Pooja By Suryakant Tripathi (Hardcover)
सूर्यकान्त त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’ को ‘महाप्राण’ भी कहा जाता है। उनकी कविता ‘राम की शक्ति पूजा’ हिंदी साहित्य की अमूल्य धरोहर है. खड़ी बोली की इस लंबी कविता में रामायण की कथा बताई गई। इसमें खासकर राम और रावण के भीषण युद्ध का वर्णन है। ‘राम की शक्ति पूजा’ काव्य को निराला जी ने 23 अक्टूबर 1936 में पूरा किया था। इलाहाबाद से प्रकाशित दैनिक समाचारपत्र ‘भारत’ में पहली बार 26 अक्टूबर 1936 को उसका प्रकाशन हुआ था। ‘राम की शक्ति पूजा’ कविता 312 पंक्तियों की एक लम्बी कविता है। इसमें ‘महाप्राण’ के स्वरचित छंद ‘शक्ति पूजा’ का प्रयोग किया गया है। इस कविता में कवि ने राम को एक साधारण मानव के धरातल पर खड़ा किया है, जो थकता भी है, टूटता भी है और उसके मन में जय एवं पराजय का भीषण द्वन्द्व भी चलता है।
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Fiction, Novel
Ramcharcha By Munshi Premchand (Hardcover)
प्रेमचंद (प्रेमचन्द) के साहित्यिक जीवन का आरंभ (आरम्भ) 1901 से हो चुका था आरंभ (आरम्भ) में वे नवाब राय के नाम से उर्दू में लिखते थे। प्रेमचंद की पहली रचना के संबंध में रामविलास शर्मा लिखते हैं कि- “प्रेमचंद की पहली रचना, जो अप्रकाशित ही रही, शायद उनका वह नाटक था जो उन्होंने अपने मामा जी के प्रेम और उस प्रेम के फलस्वरूप चमारों द्वारा उनकी पिटाई पर लिखा था। इसका जिक्र उन्होंने ‘पहली रचना’ नाम के अपने लेख में किया है। “उनका पहला उपलब्ध लेखन उर्दू उपन्यास ‘असरारे मआबिद’ है जो धारावाहिक रूप में प्रकाशित हुआ। इसका हिंदी रूपांतरण देवस्थान रहस्य नाम से हुआ। प्रेमचंद का दूसरा उपन्यास ‘हमखुर्मा व हमसवाब’ है जिसका हिंदी रूपांतरण ‘प्रेमा’ नाम से १९०७ में प्रकाशित हुआ। १९०८ ई. में उनका पहला कहानी संग्रह सोज़े-वतन प्रकाशित हुआ। देशभक्ति की भावना से ओतप्रोत इस संग्रह को अंग्रेज़ सरकार ने प्रतिबंधित कर दिया और इसकी सभी प्रतियाँ जब्त कर लीं और इसके लेखक नवाब राय को भविष्य में लेखन न करने की चेतावनी दी। इसके कारण उन्हें नाम बदलकर प्रेमचंद के नाम से लिखना पड़ा। उनका यह नाम दयानारायन निगम ने रखा था। ‘प्रेमचंद’ नाम से उनकी पहली कहानी बड़े घर की बेटी ज़माना पत्रिका के दिसम्बर १९१० के अंक में प्रकाशित हुई।
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