Showing 466–480 of 978 results
Fiction, Novel
Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens (Hardback)
- Page : 474
- ISBN : 9789394885509
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 3 cm
It is a world of disappointment: often to the hopes we most cherish, and hopes that do our nature the greatest honor.?Born into a life of impoverishment, orphaned at birth, Oliver Twist begins his life in a workhouse. Apprenticed to Mr. Sowerberry, he flees to London on being beaten.What happens as he meets Jack Dawkins, goes to work with him without knowing the nature of work and is taken to the police when mistaken for a thief?Follow Oliver Twist as he strives to overcome the miserable conditions of the mid-19th century lower class and searches for an identity. Centered round the rise of capitalism and industrial revolution, Dickens? Oliver Twist is a notable example of a social novel. Adapted into numerous art forms, it continues to remain a classic sensation.
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Religion & Philosophy
On Liberty by John Stuart Mill (H.B)
Discussed and debated from time immemorial, the concept of personal liberty went without codification until the publication of this enduring work which applies an ethical system of utilitarianism to society and the state which to this day remains well known and studied. Mills (1806-1873), a British economist, philosopher, and ethical theorist whose argument does not focus on “the so-called Liberty of the Willbut Civil, or Social Liberty: the nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual” asks and answers provocative questions relating to the boundaries of social authority and individual sovereignty. He declares that there is “one very simple principle” regarding the use of coercion in society one may only coerce others either to defend oneself or to defend others from harm. Mill puts forth his basic argument in favor of liberty for the individual as long as it harms no one else. Setting forth the value of liberty of opinion and liberty of action, he emphasizes the importance of individuality versus the “tyranny of the majority” and highlights the positive effects of liberty on all people and on society, as freedom enables progress and prevents social stagnation. He details the appropriate level of authority society ought to have over the individual societys obligation to protect people incapable of exercising their own freedom. On Liberty remains one of the most influential studies on the nature of individual liberty and its role in a democratic society.
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Hisorical, History
One of Ours
One Of Ours is a book written by Willa Cather, who later received the 1923 Pulitzer Prize. In One of Ours, Cather brings World War I to the heartland of Nebraska and sensitively guides the reader through the highs and lows experienced by a young man who is already enjoying what is perhaps his life’s greatest triumphs. But, One of Ours is not a tale of battle. Instead, it’s just another excellent examination of the most fundamental aspirations, phobias, and concerns of travellers. This is an emotional tale of purposelessness and human restlessness. At the turn of the century, Claude Wheeler was born in Nebraska to a wealthy agricultural family. Claude, who is unsatisfied with his job and his wife, finds fulfilment while serving in France during World War I. How will Claude survive during the War? What will happen to Claude’s family? To read this amazing collection of ideas based on sacrifices and life, readers should go through the book!
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Optics (A View From A Cracked Lens) by Emer Davis (Hardcover)
Irish poet, Emer Davis has published several poetry books, including Kill Your Television, Name Tag, To Tear Your Breath Away, Chaat and Postcards from India, exploring such diverse themes of love, loss, regret, childhood, migration, travel and how women have contributed to society. She won a major award with her poem Raqqa Bowl 2017 in the 2018 Trocaire Poetry Ireland competition. Her new collection Optics was written when she returned to Ireland where she re-acquainted herself with life back in Ireland after living in India for three years, looking at life through a lens smudged with an eclectic cultural experience as she tried to grapple with an Ireland that seems remote and distant to her since her return from India A gift from the Far East Gold inlaid circulars Smoking a cigarette Madame Butterfly was her favourite ‘Truly connected from generation to generation’ (Marguerita Sampson, Writer). Other poems in this collection have been described as ‘so good, so divine’.
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Coming soon, Self Help
Optimism: An Essay By Helen Keller (Hardcover)
Optimism An Essay Most people measure their happiness in terms of physical pleasure and material possession. Could they win some visible goal which the have set on the horizon, how happy they. Would be. Lacking this ift or that circum stance, they won] be miserable. If happiness is to be so measured, I who cannot hear or see have eve reason to sit in a corner with folde hands, and weep. Ifi am happy. In spite of my deprivations, if i m happiness is so deep that it is a faith, so thoughtful that it becomes a philosophy of life.
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Play, Poetry
Othello by William Shakespeare (H.B)
Othello, a soldier in the service of the Venetian Republic, is tricked by his villainous ensign, Iago, into believing that his beloved wife, Desdemona, is an adulteress. In a fit of emotional imbalance, Othello murders her in the most ungracious manner. What happens when he comes to know that she is innocent?
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Fiction, Novel
Our Mutual Friend By Charles Dickens (Hard Cover)
John Harmon returns to England after years in exile toclaim his inheritance: a great fortune and a beautifulyoung woman to whom he is betrothed, but hasnever met. When Harmon’s body is pulled out of theThames, all of London is fascinated by the mystery ofthe murdered man and his unclaimed riches.Scavengers, social-climbers, lawyers and teachers, amoney-lender and a dolls-dressmaker, men andwomen both honest and villainous, will all becomeembroiled in this tale of love and obsession, deathand rebirth.SKU: n/a -
Coming soon, Self Help
Pack of 6 Self Help Book for Adult – How to Self Confidence, Stop Worrying, Win Friends, Subconscios Mind, Think & Grow and Art of War By Dale Carnegie, Joseph Murphy, Napoleon Hill, Sun Tzu
Coming soon, Self HelpPack of 6 Self Help Book for Adult – How to Self Confidence, Stop Worrying, Win Friends, Subconscios Mind, Think & Grow and Art of War By Dale Carnegie, Joseph Murphy, Napoleon Hill, Sun Tzu
Self Help Book 1: How to develop self-confidence and influence People by public speaking, from the highly acclaimed business trainer and best-selling author Dale Carnegie comes highly recommended read for those seeking to improve their public speaking and leadership skills. It is also a suggested read for those seeking to influence People with their thought and those looking to improve their confidence to take them sailing through all walks of life. Through a wide range of techniques like poise, diction, memory improvement and putting across an argument without arousing resentment, Carnegie guides you through the various elements of public speaking that will enable you to your way through success in your chosen fields of life and with enhanced confidence, gain an advantage over your competitors. Self Help Book 2: Nothing positive can be achieved by worrying in life. Worrying can only lead to a plethora of unwelcome medical conditions including nervous breakdown, high blood pressure, tooth decay, and an unsatisfactory life. Dale Carnegie, a best-selling author and self-help coach, in this brilliant and immensely popular book how to stop worrying and Start living, helps you to analyse your worries and spells out step-by-step, the most efficient ways in which you can stop worrying and sail towards a fulfilling, happy and Worry-free life. This is a highly recommended read for all seeking a happier and healthier life!. Self Help Book 3: Authored by the world-renowned business trainer Dale Carnegie, how to Win Friends and Influence People coaches you through exactly what the title suggests friends and Influence the way people think and live. For achieving goals and aspirations in a highly competitive corporate field as well as living a better life in our complex modern world, This book is for all. With simple techniques and ample evidence, this best-seller guides you through the process of getting people to like you, fall in line with your way of thinking, and arouse enth
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Paradise Lost ( An Original Classic ) by John Milton (H.B)
“Of man’s first disobedience and the fruitOf that forbidden tree, whose mortal tastBrought death into the world and all our woe,With loss of Eden..”Satan and his fellow rebel angels contemplate on corrupting God’s beloved new creation, Mankind. He volunteers and prepares to leave. His children—Sin and Death—build a bridge between Hell and Earth. and disguising himself as a cherub, he lands on Earth. Adam and Eve, after a long day at work, are resting in their bower. and that’s when in the form of a serpent, Satan whisper’s into Eve’s ears. Tempted to eat from the forbidden Tree of Knowledge, Eve commits the sin.And hence follows the Fall of Man.. Milton’s magnum opus, Paradise Lost, threads together two stories focused on different heroes—the half-heroic, half-evil charismatic Satan and the united Adam and Eve—skillfully balancing them. the epic poem continues to remain as celebrated as ever.
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Fiction, Novel
Parineeta By Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay (Hardcover)
परिणीता कहानी है ललिता तथा शेखर की । ललिता के माता पिता का देहांत हो चुका है तथा वह अपने मामा मामी के परिवार के साथ रहती है। ललिता के मामा अपनी पुत्रियों तथा ललिता के विवाह के संदर्भ में बहुत चिंतित रहते हैं और इसी प्रक्रिया में उन्होंने अपनी एक मात्र संपत्ति, अपना घर शेखर के पिता को गिरवी दे दिया है। ललिता व शेखर एक दूसरे को बचपन से जानते है, यहाँ तक कि ललिता के जीवन में, शेखर की आज्ञा के बिना एक पत्ता तक नही हिलता । “ जिस प्रकार मनुष्य अपनी बुद्धि से सोचकर कोई धारणा निर्धारित कर लेता है, उसी प्रकार उसने अपनी स्वाभाविक बुद्धि से उसकी आज्ञा मानना स्वीकार कर लिया था । ” ललिता व शेखर एक दूसरे को पसंद तो करते है परंतु शेखर की पिता उसकी शादी किसी अमीर घर में करना चाहते हैं। कहानी में तीसरा एवं चिल्चस्प किरदार है, गिरीन्द्र बाबू। वे ललिता के पड़ोसी के भाई हैं तथा ललिता से विवाह भी करना चाहते हैं। गिरीन्द्र बाबू के मौजुदगी में यह प्रेम त्रिकोण एक अनूठा रूप लेता है।
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Textile Technology
Past & Present Trends in Fashion Technology by Peter McClaud (Hardback)
- Page : 208
- Dimensions : 22. x 14. x 1.5 cm
the book in your hands presents a genuine attempt to make the reader aware of not only the current fashion trends, but takes the reader through a detailed history of fashion and how the modern day fashion evolved. Mostly, people find the glamorous world of fashion as awesome. Most would agree that they are fascinated by the world of fashion at some point or the another in life.the book not only tries to answer all these questions but also makes the user aware fo a number of aspects of the world of fashion. Even the technological aspects such as sticking and computer aided designing are presented in a logical manner in the book
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