Showing 406–420 of 978 results
English Classics
Man and Superman (Classic Edition) Hardcover by Bernard Shaw
Man and Superman, a four-act drama, was written in 1903 as a response to those who had questioned Shaw as to why he had never written a play based on the don Juan br>Theme it deserves the position of Bernard Shaw’s masterpiece. The plot revolves around a young man, John Tanner, who possesses advanced ideas and finds himself surrounded by a set of ordinary beings who are abject slaves to Convention. The main idea consists of an endeavour to show how utterly futile are modern ideas and Advanced thought when brought into practice amid the social conditions of our present civilized state. Throughout the play, the readers admire the high principles upon which Tanner is br> Endeavouring to shape his ends, but they are pleased when they see this strong-minded and exceptionally advanced young man come a cropper before the simple, hypocritical devices of an inexperienced, feather-brained young girl, Ann. She is referred to as the life force and represents Shaw’s view that in every culture, it is the women who force the men to marry them rather than the men who take the initiative.
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Managing Without MBA : Col. D.S. Cheema
This book is basically for the new manager and the new supervisor who has just been ‘initiated’ and for others who aspire to become managers. if you are one ,these power packed pages will help you a great deal .provided,you understand what you read.a’seasoned’ manager can use it as a reference and reminder material.
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Skill Development
Mandala Colouring Book For Adults : With Easy Tear; Premium Quality Product (Paperback)
Skill DevelopmentMandala Colouring Book For Adults : With Easy Tear; Premium Quality Product (Paperback)
Presenting the craft therapy series. A colouring book for adults with easy tear, so that you can turn your masterpiece into home decor with utmost ease. The books are carefully crafted with premium quality paper and printing in order to give the artist in you a great experience. This book includes intricate mandala designs designs that are sure to rejuvenate your creative senses and once done will brightenup your home or office walls. The book comes with perforated bindig for easy tear.
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Fiction, Novel
Manjhali Didi By Sarat chandra Chattopadhyay (Hardcover)
शरतचन्द्र भारतीय वांग्मय के ऐसे अप्रतिम हस्ताक्षर हैं जो कालातीत और युग संधियों से परे हैं। उन्होंने जिस महान साहित्य की रचना की है उसने पीढ़ी-दर-पीढ़ी पाठकों को सम्मोहित और संचारित किया है। उनके अनेक उपन्यास भारत की लगभग हर भाषा में उपलब्ध हैं। उन्हें हिंदी में प्रस्तुत कर हम गौरवान्वित हैं। प्रस्तुत उपन्यास ‘मझली दीदी’ एक ऐसी स्नेहमयी नारी की कहानी है जो अपनी जेठानी के अनाथ भाई को अपने बेटे के समान प्यार करने लगती है। यहां तक कि उसे अपनी जेठानी और जेठ आदि के अत्याचारों से बचाने के लिए पति को छोड़ने पर तैयार हो जाती है। इस सशक्त रचना पर ‘चौखेर बाली’ के नाम बंगाली में फिल्म भी बन रही है जिसमें मझली दीदी की भूमिका हिंदी की प्रसिद्ध नायिका ऐश्वर्या राय निभा रही हैं।
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Coming soon, Fiction
Mankind In The Making By H. G. Wells (Hardcover)
More than just a piece of fiction, this compelling treatise offers Wells’ insights into the challenges and opportunities of the 20th century. It contemplates the role of education, labor, and family in shaping the future, while scrutinizing the societal systems of his time. Wells calls for deliberate, conscious development of society, advocating for better education and improved social conditions to shape the human species’ future.It’s a powerful meditation on progress and the potential pathways for humanity, reflecting Wells’ enduring belief in our capacity to craft a better tomorrow.
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Classic Fiction, Fiction, Novel
Mansarovar ( 1-8 Volumes Set) Classic Edition by Munshi Premchand (H.B)
Classic Fiction, Fiction, NovelMansarovar ( 1-8 Volumes Set) Classic Edition by Munshi Premchand (H.B)
मानसरोवर (कथा संग्रह) प्रेमचंद द्वारा लिखी गई कहानियों का संकलन है। उनके निधनोपरांत मानसरोवर नाम से 8 खण्डों में प्रकाशित इस संकलन में उनकी दो सौ से भी अधिक कहानियों को शामिल किया गया है। प्रेमचंद ने हिन्दी कहानी को निश्चित परिप्रेक्ष्य और कलात्मक आधार दिया। उनकी कहानियाँ परिवेश को बुनती हैं। पात्र चुनती है। उसके संवाद उसी भाव-भूमि से लिए जाते हैं जिस भाव-भूमि से घटना घट रही है। इसलिए पाठक कहानी के साथ अपने आप को जोड़ लेता है। इसलिए प्रेमचंद यथार्थवादी कहानीकार हैं। लेकिन वे घटना को ज्यों-का-त्यों लिखने को कहानी नहीं मानते। यही वजह है कि उनकी कहानियों में आदर्श और यथार्थ का अद्भुत संगम है। पाठकों के लिए मुंशी प्रेमचंद के लेखन का आनंद लेने के लिए 8 खंडों के इस सेट को खूबसूरती से तैयार किया गया है। यह सेट खूबसूरती से डिजाइन किया गया है और आप इसे अपने प्रियजनों को उपहार में दे सकते हैं।
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English Classics
Mansfield Park (An Original Classic Collector’s Edition) by Jane Austen, Hardback
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182479050
- Page : 480 pages
- Dimensions : 22.7 x 14.7 x 3.8 cm
Fanny Price is ten years old when she is removed from the poverty of her parents’ house and sent to live with her aunt and her rich cousins at Mansfield Park. Never allowed to forget her humble origins, Fanny grows up in the Mansfield household with no allies except for Edmund, her aunt’s youngest son and even though she comes to possess that rare beauty which is neither vain nor weak, grounded as it is in astuteness and intelligence, she is never loved nor acknowledged by those in Mansfield Park. When the Crawford brother and sister duo arrive from London, however, to take up residence in the neighbourhood, they set in motion a series of romantic engagements within the Mansfield mansion that lead to scandal, heartbreak and much disrepute. And in the midst of everything must stand Fanny, protecting herself and all that she holds dear, from the wily schemes of Henry Crawford who is more than a bit of a rogue, even as she guards her heart for Edmund.
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Mars & Its Mystery by E.S.Morse (HB)
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work.
This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.
As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
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I.T.I. Books
Mechanic Diesel ITI Trade Complete Set: 1 Yr (NSQF 4 : Theory+ Practical+ workshop+drawing+ employbility)
I.T.I. BooksMechanic Diesel ITI Trade Complete Set: 1 Yr (NSQF 4 : Theory+ Practical+ workshop+drawing+ employbility)
The set includes 5 books : Mechanic Diesel theory, Mechanic Diesel practical, engineering drawing 1 Yr, workshop calculation and science 1 Yr and employbility skills All the books are NSQF 4 Compliant. It covers the complete syllabus for 1 yr as designed by dget and follows NIMI Pattern strictly. All the books include latest syllabus and are as per the latest pattern. All the books include both objective as well as subjective books.
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Polytechnic Textbooks
Mechanical Engineering Drawing : Prof. Raj Kumar
This book is suitable for the students of diploma in mechanical engineering course. It covers all the relavent topics in the form of questions and also helps students in understanding the detailed drawing keeping in mind the latest examination patterns.
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Coming soon, Textile Technology
Mechatronics Evolution in Textile Design By G. S. Mahadevan (Hardcover)
Coming soon, Textile TechnologyMechatronics Evolution in Textile Design By G. S. Mahadevan (Hardcover)
“Mechatronic Evolution in Textile Design” explores the transformative impact of integrating mechatronics-a multidisciplinary field combining mechanical engineering, electronics, computer science, and control engineering-into the textile design industry. This book provides an in-depth analysis of how advanced technologies are revolutionizing traditional textile manufacturing processes, leading to significant improvements in efficiency, precision, and innovation. It delves into the core principles of mechatronics and their application in textile machinery, illustrating how automation and intelligent systems enhance the design, production, and quality control of textiles. Through detailed case studies and examples, the book showcases the tangible benefits and the creative possibilities unlocked by mechatronic advancements. Beyond the technical aspects, “Mechatronic Evolution in Textile Design” also addresses the broader implications of this technological shift. It discusses the economic and social impacts, such as increased productivity, reduced labor costs, and the creation of new skill requirements for the workforce. The book emphasizes the importance of education and training in mechatronics to prepare the next generation of textile designers and engineers. By highlighting both the challenges and opportunities presented by mechatronic integration, this comprehensive guide serves as an essential resource for industry professionals, researchers, and students. It underscores the necessity of embracing technological evolution to maintain competitiveness and foster innovation in the rapidly evolving textile industry.
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