Showing 256–270 of 978 results
Coming soon, Fiction
From Jhansi To Ayodhya By Prof. Chamanlal Jhamb (Hard Cover)
The need to re-write the history of India was felt since long, to rectify the abberations introduced by foriegn historians. With the change of regime in 2014 on new zeitgeist overthrew the old shibboleths of Nehruvian- Marxist model of global, secular and analytical approach. This book takes its readers on an interesting journey of reliving the true history of India and the incidents in depth from the very “First war of independence to Ram Janam Bhoomi Ayodhya
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Self Help
From Poverty to Power by James Allen (Hardback)
- ISBN: 9788190575072
- Page: 128
- Dimensions : 22 x 14 x 1 cm
From Poverty to Power, James Allen’s first book, sketches a line of development along which each one person should work in order to achieve the greatest amount of success and power. Enduring success in any direction is shown to be the result of inward adjustment and growth. From Poverty to Power contains two sections, The Path to Prosperity and The Way of Peace. Each were later published as individual books.
James Allen was a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetry. He is also regarded as a pioneer of self-help movement. Allen’s practical philosophy for successful living has awakened millions to the discovery that “they themselves are makers of themselves”. Allen insists that it is within the power of each person to form his own character and create his own happiness.
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History, literary fiction, literature
From The Caves And Jungles Of Hindustan [hardcover] Helena Blavatsky
History, literary fiction, literatureFrom The Caves And Jungles Of Hindustan [hardcover] Helena Blavatsky
Academicians and scholars consider this book of great significance and value to literature. It forms part of the knowledge base for future generations. We have represented this book in the same form as it was first published. Hence, any marks seen are left intentionally to preserve their true nature.
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Textile Technology
Fundamental Aspects of Textile Chemical Processing By Prof. K. Velumani & Dr. N. Gokarneshan (Hardcover))
Textile TechnologyFundamental Aspects of Textile Chemical Processing By Prof. K. Velumani & Dr. N. Gokarneshan (Hardcover))
The book covers The Fundamental Aspects of the subject. As the topic on textile chemical processing forms the core subject for textile, fashion and allied courses, it would prove useful for students at undergraduate and diploma levels. The uniqueness of the book is its simplicity of structure and lucidness of contents. It is prepared to be student friendly.
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Fiction, Novel
Gaban By Munshi Premchand (Hardcover)
गबन प्रेमचंद द्वारा रचित उपन्यास है। ‘निर्मला’ के बाद ‘गबन’ प्रेमचंद का दूसरा यथार्थवादी उपन्यास है। कहना चाहिए कि यह उसके विकास की अगली कड़ी है। ग़बन का मूल विषय है- ‘महिलाओं का पति के जीवन पर प्रभाव’ । ग़बन प्रेमचन्द के एक विशेष चिन्ताकुल विषय से सम्बन्धित उपन्यास है। यह विषय है, गहनों के प्रति पत्नी के लगाव का पति के जीवन पर प्रभाव। गबन में टूटते मूल्यों के अंधेरे में भटकते मध्यवर्ग का वास्तविक चित्रण किया गया। इन्होंने समझौतापरस्त और महत्वाकांक्षा से पूर्ण मनोवृत्ति तथा पुलिस के चरित्र को बेबाकी से प्रस्तुत करते हुए कहानी को जीवंत बना दिया गया है। इस उपन्यास में प्रेमचंद ने पहली नारी समस्या को व्यापक भारतीय परिप्रेक्ष्य में रखकर देखा है और उसे तत्कालीन भारतीय स्वाधीनता आंदोलन से जोड़कर देखा है। सामाजिक जीवन और कथा-साहित्य के लिए यह एक नई दिशा की ओर संकेत करता है। यह उपन्यास जीवन की असलियत की छानबीन अधिक गहराई से करता है, भ्रम को तोड़ता है। नए रास्ते तलाशने के लिए पाठक को नई प्रेरणा देता है।
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Gandhi and Anarchy by Sir C.Sankaran Nair (Hardback)
the struggle for Indian home rule which was started with the inauguration of the Indian National Congress has many difficulties to encounter, has strong and powerful opponents and has received many checks. But its strongest opponent is Mr. Gandhi and perhaps the most severe check it has received is the adoption by the national congress at his instance in Calcutta and Nagpur of the so called Non-Violent Non-co-operation.
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Textile Technology
Garment Manufacturing Technology by G. Karneshan (Hardback)
- Page : 285
- ISBN : 978-8182476875
- Dimensions : 22 x 14 x 2 cm
The book has been brought out considering the needs of the curriculum requirements of undergraduate and diploma courses in textile technology, fashion technology, costume design, garment technology and related courses of study. It is a judicious compilation from various reliable sources. The book is structured in a simple so that even an average student could understand the subject concepts easily. The topics covered range from fundamental concepts in garments to all important processes of garment production. At the end of the book a number of important terminologies are given for better understanding. Besides garment production, the dyeing and printing aspects of garments are also covered. Suggestions are welcome to improve the quality of the contents. Error if any is regretted.
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Geeti Shaastr : Ashok kumar ‘Yaman’
This book includes:
1.bhartiya sangeet ka adhar ‘saam’ ek
2.geeti ki utapatti,vikas bhed lakshan
3.geeti,jati evam raag ka ant:sambandh
4.geetiyan , vaaniyan evam vibhinn
5.dakshin bharat evam ravinder sangeet mein prachlit gaayan .vaadan ki pramukh shailiyan
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Coming soon, Hindi Literature
Geetika By Suryakant Tripathi (Hardcover)
गीतिका का प्रकाशन-काल सन् 1936 ई. है। इसमें सूर्यकांत त्रिपाठी ‘निराला’ के नये स्वर- तालयुक्त शास्त्रानुमोदित गीत संगृहित हैं। खड़ी बोली में इस प्रकार के प्रथम गीत- रचनाकार जयशंकर प्रसाद हैं। उनके नाटकों के अंतर्गत जिन गीतों की सृष्टि हुई है, वे सर्वथा शास्त्रानुमोदित हैं किंतु ये गीत विशेष वातावरण में उनके पात्रों द्वारा गाये जाते है। ये गीत पात्र तथा वातावरण सापेक्ष हैं। शास्त्रानुमोदित निरपेक्ष गीतों की सर्जना का श्रेय ‘निराला’ को ही है। शास्त्रानुमोदित का तात्पर्य यह नहीं कि ये गीत भी पुरानी राग- रागनियों के बंधनों से बँधे हुए हैं।
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Coming soon, Religion
Gita And Gospel by Neil Alexander (Hardcover)
Gita and Gospel a Thouth provoking Exploration of the intersection between two of the world’s most influential spiritual texts. a central scripture of Hinduism, and the Christian Gospels. Farquhar delves into the core philosophies and spiritual teachings of both texts, examining topics such as duty, righteousness, and salvation. He critically assesses the role of divine intervention, the concept of godly love, and the paths to spiritual liberation in both traditions. Farquhar’s work aims to foster mutual understanding and respect between followers of Hinduism and Christianity by highlighting both common ground and unique aspects. This book serves as a valuable resource for those interested in interfaith dialogue and comparative theology.
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Coming soon, Poetry
Gitanjali By Rabindranath Tagore (Hardcover)
Moving, heart-felt prose poems by the beloved and much admired Bengali poet and mystic who first achieved international fame (and a Nobel Prize) in 1913 with his translation of these moving poems. Reminiscent of Blake and Gibran, they include many works that are almost biblical in their rhythms, phrasing and images. A collection of over one hundred inspirational poems, Gitanjali covers the breadth of life’s experiences, from the quite pleasure of observing children at play to man’s struggle with his god.
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Geography, Science
Global Warming by Ashok Bhalla (HB)
this book focuses on two aspects of global environmental change, global warming and the depletion of stratospher ozone. It is intended as a text for a beginning level undergraduate course in the broad curricular are of environmental science. Its emphasis is that of physical science applied at a very basic level to the atmosphere.
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Coming soon, Religion
God, The Invisible King By H. G. Wells (Hardcover)
“God the Invisible King” reflects Wells’s contemplation of the spiritual and moral dimensions of human existence in the midst of global conflict. The book presents his personal reflections on Christianity, God, and the potential for a deeper spiritual understanding. In “God the Invisible King,” Wells discusses various topics, including the nature of God, the influence of organized religion, the significance of personal faith, and the implications of scientific advancements on religious beliefs. He emphasizes the importance of a universal and ethical approach to religion that transcends denominational differences. Wells’s approach to religion in “God the Invisible King” has been described as a mixture of rationalism, mysticism, and social critique.
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