Showing 241–255 of 978 results
Coming soon, Textile Technology
Finishing Of Textile Substrates By Mathews Kolanjikombil (Hardcover)
Of lately, the finishing of textile has been developed into aspecialized application area, by which materials are producedto fulfill the stringent requirements of the customer. A clearunderstanding of the finish is required by technicians toachieve final results. Special methods using varioustechnologies are being developed continuously in this area toreduce the cost and speed up the production.SKU: n/a -
I.T.I. Books
Fitter ITI Trade Complete Set: 2 Yrs (NSQF 5 : Theory+ Practical+ workshop+drawing+ employbility)
I.T.I. BooksFitter ITI Trade Complete Set: 2 Yrs (NSQF 5 : Theory+ Practical+ workshop+drawing+ employbility)
The set includes 5 books : Fitter theory, Fitter practical, engineering drawing mechanical, workshop calculation and science mechanical and employbility skills all compliant to NSQF 5 pattern. It covers the complete syllabus for 2 years as designed by dget and follows NIMI Pattern strictly. All the books include latest syllabus and are as per the latest pattern. All the books include both objective as well as subjective books.
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Textile Technology
Flat Machine Knitting & Fabrics by Horace David Buck (Hardcover)
- ISBN : 978-8182478107
- Page : 150
- Dimensions : 22 x 14 x 1.2 cm
There being no suitable text book available, particularly on the elementary subjects, I was obliged to prepare my own material for the instruction of the students. The results of this work are contained in this volume, which is devoted to the various types of flat latch needle machines. It is my intention to follow this with other volumes covering circular latch needle machines, spring needle machines, etc., with their products. The various chapters of this work have been published in the knitting technical section of TEXTILE WORLD but I believe their usefulness will be increased by this revision and publication in more convenient book form. One of the greatest needs for the advancement of the knitting industry to the position it should occupy in the world of textiles is available technical information, and it is hoped that this volume with the ones to follow will supply, in some degree, this need.
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Flowers in Her Room by Flowers in Her Room (H.B)
Nikasha Luthra is a fifteen year old girl who is a 9th grader from Chandigarh. She has been a student of theatre since the age of seven. Being a theatre student, she was led to the magical world of stories, characters and Imageries. Apart from writing, she has also been involved in flim-making and video editing. She has participated in full length plays as an actor and has also hosted many literary events. She likes to read books of different genres like fiction, mystery novels from authors like Agatha Chrisite and Charles Dickens. Currently she is reading The Alchemist and Wabi Sabt. She is an avid traveler who likes to explore the world from the lens of her camera. On an idle day when she is not reading or writing she likes to dive into the virtual world of video games. You can reach her at My special shabash to the young Nikasha. I know she is a very keen observer and a confident youngster. It is an achievement to write five plays at an age when kids struggle to act in them. I hope soon she will mature into a distinguished playwright from the region where playwriting is generally not encouraged. My blessings for her! -Dr. Atamjit Singh (Playwright) Nikasha is a young, budding playwright. My best wishes to her. I feel she does have a sense of structuring a play, carving out characters and dramatic situations commendable at this age. I wish her the best with lots of love and blessings. Prof. Rani Balbir Kaur (Theatre Actor & Director) My best wishes to Nikasha. There is a spark in the quiet teenager which is exhibited in her writings. I wish her all the best for all her future endeavours. God Bless! – Mrs. Renu Puri, Principal, Vivek High School, Chandigarh
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Fiction, Novel
Folk Tales of Himachal Pradesh by Alice Elizabeth Dracott (Hardbak)
- Page : 157
- ISBN : 9788182475670
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.2 cm
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
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Travel Literature
Following The Equator by Mark Twain (Hardback)
Following the Equator-A Journey Around the World (1889), a travel book about Mark Twain’s lecture tour in the British Empire, undertaken late in his life to repay his debts after becoming nearly broke. This book describes Twain’s fascinating experiences in Australia, India, South Africa, and elsewhere. It offers Twain’s quintessential mix of irony, humor, and social criticism of white man’s behavior towards the indigenous populations around the world.
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Coming soon, History
Footfalls of Indian History By Sister Nivedita (Hardcover)
Footfalls of Indian History is a book written by Sister Nivedita. Nivedita dedicated her life for the service of India. In the book the author has discussed on several chapters of Indian history about its glory and drawbacks. The most important topics of Indian history like religions of India, Indian philosophy, Indian culture, and Indian architecture have been discussed in the book. Nivedita not only discussed some problems in India, she also suggested ways to solve some of those problems.
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Self Help
Foundation Stone To Happiness and Success [hardcover] James Allen
Where do we search to find Happiness and Success? The deep happiness, the fulfilling and peaceful place we all desire. In Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success, James Allen shows us where to begin to search and how to start building a strong foundation on which to build our happiness and success. “It is wise to know what comes first, and what to do first. To begin anything in the middle or at the end is to make a muddle of it.” James Allen was a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetry and as a pioneer of the self-help movement. Allen’s practical philosophy for successful living has awakened millions to the discovery that “they are makers of themselves”. Allen insists that it is within the power of each person to form his character and create his happiness.
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