Showing 196–210 of 978 results
Coming soon, Self Help
Dr. Joseph Murphy’s Success Set For life : Set of 4 Hardcover Classic Edition Books; For Home Collection and Gifting By Dr. Joseph Murphy (Hardcover)
Coming soon, Self HelpDr. Joseph Murphy’s Success Set For life : Set of 4 Hardcover Classic Edition Books; For Home Collection and Gifting By Dr. Joseph Murphy (Hardcover)
This beautiful set consists of 4 of the globally bestselling books of Dr. Joseph Murphy, Riches Are Your Rights, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, The Miracles Of Your Mind and Psychic Perceptions. This set is all you need to attain success in personal and professional life. Dr. Joseph Murphy has always been on the forefront of preaching that anyone can attain and achieve his desired goals and wealth through the power of his thoughts. These four books equip the readers with the right mindset and focus of direction, that leads them to their desired goals.
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Fiction, Novel
Dracula By Bram Stoker (Hardcover)
‘I could feel the soft, shivering touch of the lips on the super-sensitive skin of my throat and the hard dents of two sharp teeth, just touching and pausing there. I closed my eyes in a languorous ecstasy and waited waited with beating heart.’ In equal measures mesmerizing as it is diabolical, Dracula, told in epistolary format, is the story of Count Dracula and his attempt to move from Transylvania to England and the battle between him and a small team of people led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing.
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Drawing For Beginners
Author- Dorothy Furniss.
This Book Includes the following Chapters.
1.How to Begin. Simple Subjects for Drawing & Painting.
2. Drawing our Toys.
3.Drawing Hands.
4.Drawing Feet.
5.Drawing Head, Face, Features, and Hair.
6.Drawing People in Right Proportions.
7.Drawing Ourselves and Others.
8.Drawing Inanimate Things.
9.Drawing our Pets and other Animals.
10.Colour, and how to Find It.
11. Measuring and Perspective.
12. Sketching Out of Doors.
13 How to catch a Likeness.
14. Action and Composition.
15. Light and Shade.
16. Correcting our Drawing
17. Materials.
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Textile Technology
Dress Design by Talbot Hughes
- Hardcover : 224 pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182478541
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 2 cm
The designing and making of Costume is a craft—sometimes artistic—with which we are all more or less concerned. It is also, in its own way, one of the living arts, that is, it is still carried forward experimentally by experts directly attached to the “business.” It has not yet been subjected to rules of good taste formulated by Academies and Universities; but when Inigo Jones, the great architect, was asked to make some designs for fancy dress, he based them on the Five Orders of Architecture, and ponderous fancies they were.
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Fashion, Textile Technology
- Hardcover : 84 pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182476479
- Item Weight : 233 g
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1 cm
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact, and remains as true to the original work as possible. Therefore, you will see the original copyright references, library stamps (as most of these works have been housed in our most important libraries around the world), and other notations in the work. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. As a reproduction of a historical artifact, this work may contain missing or blurred pages, poor pictures, errant marks, etc. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
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Fiction, Novel
Durgadas By Munshi Premchand (Hardcover)
जोधपुर के महाराज जसवन्तसिंह की सेना में आशकरण नाम के एक राजपूत सेनापति थे, बड़े सच्चे, वीर, शीलवान् और परमार्थी। उनकी बहादुरी की इतनी धाक थी, कि दुश्मन उनके नाम से कांपते थे। दोनों दयावान् ऐसे थे कि मारवाड़ में कोई अनाथ न था।, जो उनके दरबार से निराश लौटे। जसवन्तसिंह भी उनका :बड़ा आदर-सत्कार करते थे। वीर दुर्गादास उन्हीं के लड़के थे। छोटे का नाम जसकरण था। सन् 1605 ई., में आशकरण जी उज्जैन की लड़ाई में धोखे से मारे गये। उस समय दुर्गादास केवल पंद्रह वर्ष के थे पर ऐसे होनहार थे, कि जसवन्तसिंह अपने बड़े बेटे पृथ्वीसिंह की तरह इन्हें भी प्यार करने लगे। कुछ दिनों बाद जब महाराज दक्खिन की सूबेदारी पर गये, तो पृथ्वीसिंह को राज्य का भार सौंपा और वीर दुर्गादास को सेनापति बनाकर अपने साथ कर लिया। उस समय दक्खिन में महाराज शिवाजी का साम्राज्य था। मुगलों की उनके सामने एक न चलती थी; इसलिए औरंगजेब ने जसवन्तसिंह को भेजा था। जसवन्तसिंह के पहुंचते ही मार-काट बन्द हो गई। धीरे-धीरे शिवाजी और जसवन्तसिंह में मेल-जोल हो गया। औरंगजेब की इच्छा तो थी कि शिवाजी को परास्त किया जाये। यह इरादा पूरा न हुआ, तो उसने जसवन्तसिंह को वहां से हटा दिया, और कुछ दिनों उन्हें लाहौर में रखकर फिर काबुल भेज दिया। काबुल के मुसलमान इतनी आसानी से दबने वाले नहीं थे। भीषण संग्राम हुआ; जिसमें महाराजा के दो लड़के मारे गये। बुढ़ापे में जसवन्तसिंह को यही गहरी चोट लगी। बहुत दुःखी होकर वहां से पेशावर चले गये।
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General books
Earth and Sky Every Child Should Know (Paperback)
this book including of the following chapters: 1.the great stone book 2.the fossil fish 3.the crust of the earth 4.what is the earth made of 5.the first dry land 6.a study of granite 7.the air in motion 8.the work of the wind 9.rain in summer 10.what becomes of the rain? 11.the soil in fields and gardens 12.the work of earthworms 13.quiet forces that destroy rocks rocks are made 15.getting acquainted with a river 16.the ways of rivers 17.the ways of rivers 18.the story of a pond 19. the riddle of the lost rocks 20.the question answered 21.glaciers among the alps 22.the great ice sheet 23.following some lost rivers 24.The Mammoth cave of kentucky 25 Land building of the rivers
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Earthquake Resistant Building Construction For Architects: Prof. Harbhajan Singh
The book Contains the following units
- Introduction to Seismic Design Parameters
- Performance of Buildings Under Past Earthquakes
- Introduction To Provisions of IS:1893
- Introduction To Ductile Detailing Provisions of IS:13920 For R.C. Buildings
- Introduction to IS:4326 for construction of earthquake resistant masonary buildings
- Planning and Designing Construction of Earthquake Resistant Buildings
- Disaster Management
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Polytechnic Textbooks
Earthquake Resistant Building Construction For Polytechnic: Prof. Harbhajan Singh
Polytechnic TextbooksEarthquake Resistant Building Construction For Polytechnic: Prof. Harbhajan Singh
This book covers the complete syllabus on the title subject for the students of diploma in civil engineering for state boards across India. The book covers the following chapters
- Introduction to Seismic Design Parameters
- Performance of Buildings Under Past Earthquakes
- Introduction To Provisions of IS:1893
- Introduction To Ductile Detailing Provisions of IS:13920 For R.C. Buildings
- Introduction to IS:4326 for construction of earthquake resistant masonary buildings
- Planning and Designing Construction of Earthquake Resistant Buildings
- Disaster Management
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Religion & Philosophy
Ecce Homo by Friedrich Nietzsche (H.B)
In late 1888, only weeks before his final collapse into madness, Nietzsche (1844-1900) set out to compose his autobiography, and Ecce Homo remains one of the most intriguing yet bizarre examples of the genre ever written. In this extraordinary work Nietzsche traces his life, work and development as a philosopher, examines the heroes he has identified with, struggled against and then overcome – Schopenhauer, Wagner, Socrates, Christ – and predicts the cataclysmic impact of his ‘forthcoming revelation of all values’. Both self-celebrating and self-mocking, penetrating and strange, Ecce Homo gives the final, definitive expression to Nietzsche’s main beliefs and is in every way his last testament.
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