Showing 166–180 of 978 results
Technology, Textile Technology
Cotton Weaving And Designing [Hardcover]by John T. Taylor
Taylor’s “Cotton weaving” has enjoyed a reputation among students who have attended Day and Evening Classes in textile Weaving and Design for many years. However, some important features have been found lacking, and others need expansion to meet modern requirements.
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Textile Technology
Cotton Weaving and Designing by John T. Taylor (H.B)
In this handy volume the author has conveniently arranged hand book dealing with the various branches of cotton & weaving industry. It We found to meet almost all the regiments on industry engaged in manufacturing of cotton textiles.The text on which the based is expressed in the title and in enlarging upon it the author has endeavored to describe clearly and in detail the various process and operation generally, pointing out the principals Involved and illustrating these by numerous recipies, showing the application of a great variety of weaving and designing in the production.This book is complete working guide to modern practice in the manufacture of cotton weaving and designing, including the sores, natural properties, grading and cleansing of the raw material, the machinery and the process of factory work.So, this book is useful for industry, students of textile and every institute.SKU: n/a -
English Classics
Crime and Punishment (Original Classic Collector’s Edition) by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Hardback)
English ClassicsCrime and Punishment (Original Classic Collector’s Edition) by Fyodor Dostoevsky (Hardback)
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182479098
- Page : 628 pages
- Dimensions : 21.5 x 14.5 x 5 cm
Crime and Punishment is set in St Petersburg and paints a vivid picture 18th century Russia before the revolution brought with it the winds of change. The book portrays the rampant poverty and unending pain and suffering of the proletariat. It is in such ghastly circumstances that the character of Raskolnikov is born.
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Crime psychology
Is a pioneering work in the field of forensic psychology, first published in the late 19th century. The book provides a comprehensive examination of the psychological aspects of criminal behaviour, offering insights into the minds of criminals and the investigative methods that can be used to understand and solve crimes. Gross, a renowned Austrian jurist and criminologist, combined his expertise in law and psychology to create a practical guide for police officers, detectives, and legal professionals. His work laid the foundation for modern criminal psychology and investigative techniques.
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Competition Books
Cutting Edge Essays: For All Occasions by P.N.Ojha (HB)
there are many books on this subject in the market but in most of the books you will find the same very old essays and their way of writing almost same. Writers hesitate to write on new topics, some future topics which are the need of the hour. Being the teacher of english, teaching for the last two decades to graduate to post graduate level. I know what is required today. Keeping in mind the need of the hour I am compiling this book of cutting edge essays, in which you will find something for everyone, you may be college student, appearing in competitive exam, department or banking exam. etc.
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Classic Fiction, Fiction, Novel
Daddy Long Legs ( An Original Classic ) by Jean Webster (Hardback)
- Page : 113
- ISBN : 978-9394885523
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1 cm
- Jerusha Abbott at 18 years is the eldest orphan at John Grier Homeorphanage. All petty responsibilities of the kids at the orphanage reston her tender shoulders. One fine day, her mundane life under goes a surprising change when an unknown trustee of the orphanage to pay for her college education as he is very impressed by one of her essays! He promises her a liberal monthly allowanceand insists on being anonymous. His only condition is that Jerushashould send him monthly letters and keep him posted about her life in college, but not to expect any replies from him.What follows is an insight into Jerusha’s unexplored, fascinating world of college life through the letters that she writes to her unknownbenefactor. She addresses him adoringly as “Daddy-Long-Legs” as she had seen his long shadow once while he was leaving the asylum.She shares a love–hate–anger–gratitude relationship with him.Finally, at the end of the story, The identity of Daddy-Long-Legs is reveal Ed. Is her godfather someone familiar or a total stranger?.
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Dances of Asia : Kiitsu
isbn : 978-81-905750-1-0
This book includes:
1.dances of India
2.dances of Srilanka
3.dances of Pakistan and Bangladesh
4.dances of Burma
5.dances of Thailand
6.dances of Indonesia
7.dances of Philippines
8.dances of Tibet
9.dances of the Republic of Korea
10.dances of China
11.dances of Okinava(Japan)
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Dark Tulips: A Poetry Collection By Nikasha Luthra (Hardcover)
Nikasha Luthra is a sixteen-year old tenth grader from Chandigarh. She’s been learning theatre since she was seven. As an ardent lover of the stage, she is constantly fascinated by the magical world of stories, poems, and plays. Apart from writing, Nikasha spends her time on film making and video- editing. She has acted in many full-length plays and hosted multiple literary events. She loves reading and exploring different genres including romance and fantasy. She is an avid traveler and likes to capture the essence of the world through her camera’slens. Nikasha Luthra has a way with words and she uses them most effectively in DARK TULIP. Her voice is straightforward and unadorned, with love and pain and healing the main subjects of her poems. After reading through, I find her poems often have the richness and the direct quality of a child speaking. –Jayanta Mahapatra (Sahitya Academy Awardee)
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Classic Fiction, Fiction, Novel
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (Hardback)
- Page : 651
- ISBN : 9789393198532
- Dimensions : 25.2 x 19 x 4.5 cm
“Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show. ”David Copperfield lives happily with his mother until she decides to marry the tyrannical Edward Murdstone. Abused and ill-treated by his stepfather, David is sent to the Salem House, a boarding school where he makes friends with the self-centred James Steerforth and the hapless Tom Taddles. David returns home upon his mother and half-brother’s demise, only to be neglected by his stepfather who sends him to work at their family bottling factory. What happens when after a miserable life at the factory, David runs away to his great-aunt Betsy Trotwood?A coming-of-age novel, David Copperfield presents Charles Dickens at his best. It is not only among his own personal favourites, but also draws on his life’s experiences. The novel has undergone several film and television adaptations and continues to be loved by the readers.
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Coming soon, Fiction
Dead Souls: A Novel By Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (Hardcover)
Chichikov, a mysterious stranger, arrives in the provincial town of ‘N’, visiting a succession of landowners and making each a strange offer. He proposes to buy the names of dead serfs still registered on the census, saving their owners from paying tax on them, and to use these ‘dead souls’ as collateral to re-invent himself as a aristocrat.
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Fiction, Novel
Dear Enemy ( An Original Classic ) by Jean Webster (Hardback)
- Page : 188
- ISBN : 9789394885660
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 cm
Jean Webster (1876-1916) was an American novelist, playwright, and social activist. During the start of the twentieth century (1912), Webster wrote “Daddy-Long-Legs”, an epistolary, best-selling novel that she developed into a play. It met with much success, and the characters were sold as dolls, the money from which going to charities to help fund orphan adoptions. In 1915, Webster published the sequel, “Dear Enemy”. Written in the same epistolary form, “Dear Enemy” met with best-selling acclaim as well. The novel is unique in that the story is propelled by crude, stick-figure animations, drawn by Webster herself, that add a whimsical air to the social issues addressed, the care of orphans and women’s life choices in particular. Sadly, Webster died of childbirth fever in 1916, just a year after the success of “Dear Enemy”.
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Coming soon, Fiction, Novel
Death Of The Moon By Dr. Gokulananda Mahapatra (Hardcover)
Professor Dr. Gokulananda Mahapatra was born on 24 May 1922 at Bhadrak, Odisha He had his primary education at his village school and completed his Matriculation from Bhadrak high school in the year 1941. He did his graduation with chemistry honours from Ravenshaw College,Cuttack in the year 1945. Then he went on to do MSc in Chemistry from Presidency College, Kolkata in the year 1947 and did his with PhD from the Utkal University in the year 1958 in Chemistry on”Synthesis of new Hetero cyclic compounds and their Mercurial derivatives and testing theirBiological activities .He was awarded the Cooper Memorial Gold Medal for producing the best research paper inOrganic Chemistry in Journal of Institution of Chemist,1959and was awarded Fellow of Institution of Chemists, Calcutta (F.I.C)in the year 1961. Gokulananda Mahapatra has authored over 95 science fiction Science Novel and children science books and biography of some renowned scientists and many others. Some of his notable contributions are “Krutrima Upagraha”( Artificial Satellite,1958) “Sputnik (1958), Madhyanhara Andhakara (Darkness of the Noon,1959) Udhanta Thalia (The Flying Saucer,1963) “Chandra ra Mrutyu”(Death of Moon ,1966),Sunara Odisha (Golden Odisha,1973).In a lucid style he had portrayed the impact of science on human civilization and how human life is influenced by scientific and technological discoveries and invention His fiction played a significant role in the consolidation of the contemporary scientific imagination. He had a good sense of scientific realism and knew the art of combining it with fantasy. He is known as the H.G.Wells of Odisha.
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Textile Technology
Decorative Design History in Indian Textiles & Costumes :Bhatnagar, P
isbn: 978-81-8247-087-0
This book includes :
1.evolution of design
2.characterstics of textiles and costumes
3.artistic forms
4.archives of museums and design centres
5.contemporary design forms
6.future of decorative design
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Fiction, Novel
Dehati Samaj By Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay (Hardcover)
शरतचन्द्र चट्टोपाध्याय बांग्ला भाषा के सुप्रसिद्ध उपन्यासकार थे। हुगली जिले के देवानंदपुर गांव में 15 सितंबर 1876 में उनका जन्म हुआ। शरतचंद्र के नौ भाई-बहन थे। रवींद्रनाथ ठाकुर और बंकिमचंद्र चट्टोपाध्याय की लेखनी का शरत पर गहरा प्रभाव पड़ा। करीब 18 साल की उम्र में उन्होंने “बासा” (घर) नाम से एक उपन्यास लिखा लेकिन यह रचना प्रकाशित नहीं हुई। शरतचन्द्र ललित कला के छात्र थे लेकिन आर्थिक तंगी के चलते वे इसकी पढ़ाई नहीं कर सके। रोजगार के तलाश में शरतचन्द्र बर्मा गए और लोक निर्माण विभाग में क्लर्क के रूप में काम किया। कुछ समय बर्मा रहकर कलकत्ता लौटने के बाद उन्होंने गंभीरता के साथ लेखन शुरू कर दिया।
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