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this book is including the following chapters: salaam, breath is life, the exoteric theory of breath, tthe nervous system, nostril breathing vs mouth breathing , the foour methods of respiration, how to acquire the yogi complete breath physilogical effect fo the complete breath, a few bits of yogi lore, the seven yogi developing exercises ,seven minor yogi exercises, vibration and yogi rhythmic breathing phenomena of yogi psychic breathing yogi spiritual breathing.
Nayan The Science of Thought is a Comprehensive exploration of the ancient indian shool of philosophy know as nayan , The work delves into the logical and epistemological foundations of nyaya, Presentiong its profound insights into the nature of knowledge, reasoning, and reality. Naya, which translates to “Logic” Or “rule,” Is one of the six classical schools of hindu philosophy. It is renowne for its rigorous analytical approach and its emphasis on debate, logic, and systematic thinking. This book Provides an in depth tsudy of the key concepts, principles, and methods of Nyaya, including its theories of perception, inference, cmparison, and testimony.
The charm which Scripture quotation adds to writing, let hose tell who has read Milton bunyan burke foster, southern Croly, Carlyle, Macaulay, yea, and even Byron, all of whom have sown their pages with this ‘orient pearl’ and brought thus an impulse from divine inspiration, to add to the effect of their own.
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