The Entire Original Maupassant Short Stories By Guy De Maupassant (Hardcover)
Guy de Maupassant was born on August 5, 1850 in Normandy, France. His father and mother separated when he was eleven years old and Maupassant was raised under the influence of his strong, domineering mother. Gustave Flqubert became his friend and mentor, helping him with his writing and introducing him to prestigious literary circles. Maupassant wrote six novels, three travel books, a book of verse and over 300 short stories. But in spite of his wealth and fame, he was deeply distressed as his promiscuous and colourful life had afflicted him with syphillis. He started hallucinating and in 1892 even tried to commit suicide. Confirmed to a lunatic asylum in Paris, Maupassant died on 6 July 1893.
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