The Black Tulip By Alexandre Dumas (Hardcover)
Set at the height of the “tulipomania” that gripped Holland in the 17th century, this is the story of Cornelius van Baerle, a humble grower whose sole desire is to grow the perfect specimen of the tulip negra.
₹295.00 ₹495.00
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Coming soon, ManagementDictatorship Unmasked : Inspiring Life Stories of the Dictators and 10 Transforming commandments to attain absolute power
0 out of 5(0)Just like a coin, the world too has two flip sides, exactly opposite to eachother, One is what we see and understand and Second is the one largely ignored by our mind. Such is the case with the lives of the people we call as “The Dictators”. They were the men who rose from the masses and engraved their names in the world history as authoritative leaders. Though there are a zillion books that preach various methods of acquiring the traits of a effective leader, but, none has ever focussed on taking real life lessons from the journys of the dictators. Come lets learn about their lives, magnificent stories of their rise and the commandments that we can derive from their saga to attain and retain “Absolute Power” in your personal and professional life.
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