India What Can It Teach us (Classic Hardcover Edition) by F.Max Muller
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182478077
- 260 pages
A collection of the lectures of Max Muller, India: What it Can Teach Us portrays India, especially Vedic India, as an epitome of virtue and morality, whose glory is equal to classical Greek and Roman thought. Muller, in these essays, urges the West to abandon their superior colonial mind-set to adopt the multi-dimensional efficacy that is inherent to Indian culture. This book including of following chapters: 1.what can india teach us? 2.truthful character of the hindus. 3.Human Interest of sanskrit Literature. 4.Objection 5.the lession of the veda 6.vedic deities 7.veda and vedanta.
₹495.00 ₹595.00
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