isbn; 978-81-901906-2-4
2.The khilafat
3.The Punjab wrong
5.Hindu Moslem unity
6.Treatment of the depressed classes
7.Treatment of Indians abroad
8.Non Co-operation
9.Mahatma Gandhi’s statement
Indian War of independence 1857, is a step by step account of the uprising of India, against the ruthless british empire. Tracing footsteps of the barefoot, undernourished and almost unarmed Indian folks challenging the british bullets by sheer force of will power, the author establishes beyond an iota of doubt, that the foremost uprising was a war of independence, and not a mere sepoy mutiny as dubbed by the british. Following its launch, the book became a bible for indian revolutionaries. Declared “banned” by the British the book was then published in Holland and was smuggled to India and England and was sold and resold at a price of Rs 300/- back in 1910.
This book is a learning experience, that covers the period of Muslin incursions in India, brave retaliation of the natives, British rule with all its intrigues and finally the struggle for freedom and liberation of the mother country.
the struggle for Indian home rule which was started with the inauguration of the Indian National Congress has many difficulties to encounter, has strong and powerful opponents and has received many checks. But its strongest opponent is Mr. Gandhi and perhaps the most severe check it has received is the adoption by the national congress at his instance in Calcutta and Nagpur of the so called Non-Violent Non-co-operation.
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