Textile Technology
Colour Matching on Textiles by David Paterson (H.B)
Although a valuable and extensive literature is already devoted to the textile arts, no book has yet appeared on the important subject of the colour-matching of dyed textiles. The subject is a comprehensive one, comprising as it does the study of colour perception, the qualities of day-light, the optical properties of the fibres and dyestuffs employed, and also the influences of artificial illumination on colour appearances.
This little manual attempts, as far as possible, to systematise and elucidate the many perplexing phenomena that come before the dyer and colour chemist in the course of their everyday work. How far this attempt succeeds lies with the reader himself to judge: but I hope it may prove a genuine help to the practical man as well as to the student.
₹635.00 ₹695.00
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