Weight | 1.654 kg |
Dimensions | 25.0 × 19.2 × 5.0 cm |
Textile Technology
Applications to Dyestuff (2 Vols Set) by J.M.Mathews (H.B)
Dyestuff are most largely used in the Textile, Leather and Paper industries, and naturally this field has received the greatest attention at the hands of the author, but there has also been included a discussion of the use of dyes in other lines of industry; though the limitations of space, as well as the necessity of maintaining a proper balance in the subjects considered, has precluded more than a brief survey of these interesting fields.
The method of presentation, as well as the subject matter herein contained, have been the outcome of a number of years of teaching on the part of the author, supplemented by a larger number of years of active professional practice in this field of applied chemistry. Care has been taken to avoid a too purely scientific generalization, else the volumes would lose much of its value for purposes of instruction and information. The subject treated is a technical one, and an endeavor has been made to present it in a technical manner; that is to say, definite facts have been presented in a definite form. To this end an experimental outline has been distributed through the different chapters, both to act as a laboratory guide for the teacher and student and also to furnish concrete examples to the general reader.
The present book, while still retaining many of the text-book features in order to adapt it to the needs of the student, has been greatly broadened in its scope so as to appeal to the interest of all those concerned in the application of dyestuff.
₹4,935.00 ₹4,995.00
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