isbn : 978-81-8247-490-1
This book includes:
2.the different kinds of skins suitable for tanning
3.structure and composition of skin
4.soaking,softeningand washing hides
5.for removing hair ,wool,grease,mucus,and other impurities from the skins -an illustration with a full description of a beam house
6.bating; reducing the skins to their original thickness
7.the properties of the ingredients used in the composition
8.for tanning- the proper proportions of ingredients ,with full and clear directions for using them-a description of the barkometer
9.tanning one hundred common sized calf-skins
10.tanning thirty ox -hides for the manufacture of patent
11.tanning fifty sides of sole-leather
12.currying and finishing leather-shaving-harness
13.the texture and quality of leather
14.remarks on tanning-illustration of clinton tannery,with notes
15.the mechanic’s true position.a word of cheer to the hearty tanner
16.the tanner’s cheer.illustrated by aparty of tanners singing the words to the tune of the marseillaise hymn
17.copy of patent granted ,in the united states ,on the 14th day of April 1857
18.copy of specification of patent
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