Showing 1–15 of 39 results
Textile Technology
A Manual of Dyeing [Hardcover] by Richard Leowenthal Christopher Rawson, Edmund Knecht
Textile TechnologyA Manual of Dyeing [Hardcover] by Richard Leowenthal Christopher Rawson, Edmund Knecht
A manual of dyeing serves as an indispensable guide for artists and craftsmen seeking to master the intricate art of colouringtextileWithith centuries of accumulated wisdom and techniques refined through trial and error, such a manual navigates the complexities of dyeing processes with precision and clarity. From selecting dyes and mordants to manipulating temperature and pH, every step is meticulously documented to ensure consistent and vibrant results. In addition to technical instructions, these manuals often delve into the rich history and cultural significance of various dyeing traditions, offering insights into the symbolic meanings behind different colours and patterns. With detailed explanations and illustrative diagrams, a manual of dyeing becomes not only a practical tool but also a testament to the enduring legacy of human creativity and ingenuity in transforming raw materials into objects of beauty and significance
SKU: abhpuamod -
Textile Technology
A Textbook on Yarn Manufacturing Vol-1 by Dr. Kathirvelu Subramanian (Hardback)
- Page : 268
- ISBN : 978-8182477353
- Dimensions : 22 x 14 x 2 cm
This book include following chapters:1 Raw Material for Spinning 2. Cotton( Raw Material) Mixing and Blending 3. Spinning Systems 4. Blow Room Operations.
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Coming soon, Textile Technology
Apparel Design & Production Process By Dr. N. Gokarneshan (Hardcover)
Coming soon, Textile TechnologyApparel Design & Production Process By Dr. N. Gokarneshan (Hardcover)
The book titled APPAREL DESIGN AND PRODUCTION PROCESSis intended for undergraduate courses of Textile Technology, TextileChemistry, Fashion Design and Costume Design. It caters to the curricularneeds of the courses and also provides extra knowledge on the subject. Itwould prove very useful to the students to understand the fundamentalaspects of the subject, and teachers would find it easier to teach the subject.Review questions and terminologies and definitions used in apparelindustry would enhance the practical understanding of the subject bystudents.SKU: n/a -
Textile Technology
Colour Matching on Textiles by David Paterson (H.B)
Although a valuable and extensive literature is already devoted to the textile arts, no book has yet appeared on the important subject of the colour-matching of dyed textiles. The subject is a comprehensive one, comprising as it does the study of colour perception, the qualities of day-light, the optical properties of the fibres and dyestuffs employed, and also the influences of artificial illumination on colour appearances.This little manual attempts, as far as possible, to systematise and elucidate the many perplexing phenomena that come before the dyer and colour chemist in the course of their everyday work. How far this attempt succeeds lies with the reader himself to judge: but I hope it may prove a genuine help to the practical man as well as to the student.SKU: n/a -
Technology, Textile Technology
Cotton Weaving And Designing [Hardcover]by John T. Taylor
Taylor’s “Cotton weaving” has enjoyed a reputation among students who have attended Day and Evening Classes in textile Weaving and Design for many years. However, some important features have been found lacking, and others need expansion to meet modern requirements.
SKU: abhpucwad -
Textile Technology
Dress Design by Talbot Hughes
- Hardcover : 224 pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182478541
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 2 cm
The designing and making of Costume is a craft—sometimes artistic—with which we are all more or less concerned. It is also, in its own way, one of the living arts, that is, it is still carried forward experimentally by experts directly attached to the “business.” It has not yet been subjected to rules of good taste formulated by Academies and Universities; but when Inigo Jones, the great architect, was asked to make some designs for fancy dress, he based them on the Five Orders of Architecture, and ponderous fancies they were.
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Coming soon, Textile Technology
Finishing Of Textile Substrates By Mathews Kolanjikombil (Hardcover)
Of lately, the finishing of textile has been developed into aspecialized application area, by which materials are producedto fulfill the stringent requirements of the customer. A clearunderstanding of the finish is required by technicians toachieve final results. Special methods using varioustechnologies are being developed continuously in this area toreduce the cost and speed up the production.SKU: n/a -
Textile Technology
Flat Machine Knitting & Fabrics by Horace David Buck (Hardcover)
- ISBN : 978-8182478107
- Page : 150
- Dimensions : 22 x 14 x 1.2 cm
There being no suitable text book available, particularly on the elementary subjects, I was obliged to prepare my own material for the instruction of the students. The results of this work are contained in this volume, which is devoted to the various types of flat latch needle machines. It is my intention to follow this with other volumes covering circular latch needle machines, spring needle machines, etc., with their products. The various chapters of this work have been published in the knitting technical section of TEXTILE WORLD but I believe their usefulness will be increased by this revision and publication in more convenient book form. One of the greatest needs for the advancement of the knitting industry to the position it should occupy in the world of textiles is available technical information, and it is hoped that this volume with the ones to follow will supply, in some degree, this need.
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Textile Technology
Grah Textile Mein Prakirya Niyantran by Dr. K. K.Goswami (H.B)
Home textiles may be defined as textiles used for home furnishing, indoor etc. It comprises of extensive range of functional as well as decorative items or products used mainly for the purpose of decorating homes.. Home textile furnishing fabrics or home textiles consists of both natural, handmade as well in blends for making durable fabrics. Different techniques like Dyeing, Printing, Embroidery, Woven, Nonwovens, Stitched, Handmade and machine made exists for the segment. Embellishment technique further adds value to fabrics meant for the same. On the other hand weaves include plain, twill, satin, brocade, chintz, damask, tapestry, jacquard using handloom, power loom and most modern auto looms to produce wide range products. Information on process, feature and control measures is as such scanty in home textiles context. This book is an attempt to disseminate knowledge gathered by the author over his 40 years of service to textile field in various form including related to Human resources development, creating terminal competency and enhancing business performance. Author emphasized on integration of knowledge of fibers as a raw material for horne/interior textiles. The approach which can occupy significant position in the process control If weaknesses and opportunities associated with fibers, product manufacturing techniques can be removed and exploited respectively in appropriate manner as described in the book. Home textiles can become a more predominant domain in over all textiles
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Coming soon, Textile Technology
Green Fashion & Sustainability By Dr. Sumita Sikka (Hardcover)
The rising heaps of garbage in urban and rural settlements is a point of concern all across the globe. Thus, there is an incessant need to shift the focus to an intricate web of green fashion and sustainability. With its focus on cutting-edge technologies and environmentally conscious practices, the book positions itself at the forefront of the evolving landscape of sustainable fashion enterprises. The 15 enlightening chapters contributed by diverse academicians unveil the multifaceted challenges and opportunities inherent in the pursuit of environmentally responsible fashion. Innovative approaches, such as zero-waste design techniques, upcycling, and the rising prominence of thrift stores in India, are explored. The collective narrative underscores the urgency of the green fashion movement and the industry’s moral obligation to embrace sustainable practices. The book opposes the “use and throw” approach of consumerism, especially concerning clothing and packaging, and it advocates a careful reevaluation of consumer behavior to bring in ecologically friendly and sustainable techniques. The autho
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Textile Technology
Handloom Jute by Tapan Sharma (H.B)
- Hardcover : 72 pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-9393198945
- Item Weight : 350 g
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1 cm
This book is compilation of various handloom specific techniques, which can be used for creating products as per contemporary taste. Efforts has been taken to create new product range of jute on handloom using innovative techniques. this book is for handloom enthusiast/designers/students related to textile industry. the purpose is ignite motivation amooong all to do innovative research in handloom sector. One of the techniqu mentioned has already been patented and others are a awaited to be patented.
SKU: abhhj