Showing 31–45 of 172 results
Fiction, Novel
Biraj Bahu By Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay (Hardcover)
हुगली जिले का सप्तग्राम-उसमें दो भाई नीलाम्बर व पीताम्बर रहते थे। नीलाम्बर मुर्दे जलाने, कीर्तन करने, ढोल बजाने और गांजे का दम भरने में बेजोड़ था। उसका कद लम्बा, बदन गोरा, बहुत ही चुस्त, फुर्तीला तथा ताकतवर था। दूसरों के के मामले में उसकी ख्याति बहुत थी तो गंवारपन में भी वह गाँव- -भर में बदनाम था। मगर उसका छोटा भाई पीताम्बर उसके विपरीत था। वह दुर्बल तथा नाटे कद का था। शाम के बाद किसी के मरने का समाचार सुनकर उसका शरीर अजीब-सा हो जाता था। वह अपने भाई जैसा मूर्ख ही नहीं था तथा मूर्खता की कोई बात भी उसमें नहीं थी । सवेरे ही वह भोजन करके अपना बस्ता लेकर अदालत चला जाता था। पश्चिमी तरफ एक आम के पेड़ के नीचे बैठकर वह दिनभर अर्जियां लिखा करता था। वह जो कुछ भी कमाता था, उसे घर आकर सन्दूक में बंद कर देता था। रात को सारे दरवाजे-खिड़कियां बन्द कर और उनकी कई बार जाँच करने के बाद वह सोता था।
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Classic Fiction, Fiction
Black Beauty
“It is Good People Who make good places.”Well-born and well-bred, the handsome horse named Black Beauty spends his early days with his mother at an English farm. Treated with affection and kindness. he is encouraged to be good always.”… I hope you will fall into good hands, but a horse never knows who may buy him or drive him; it is all a chance for us; but still I say, do your best, wherever it is, and keep up your good name.”
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Fiction, Novel
Brahmin Ki Beti By Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay (Hardcover)
मुहल्ले में घूमने-फिरने के बाद रासमणि अपनी नातिन के साथ घर लौट रही थी। गाँव की सड़क कम चौड़ी थी, उस सड़क के एक ओर बंधा पड़ा मेमना (बकरी का बच्चा) सो रहा था। उसे देखते ही बुढ़िया नातिन को चेतावनी देने के स्वर में सावधान करती हुई बोली ‘ऐ लड़की, कहीं आँख मींचकर चलती हुई मेमने की रस्सी लांधने की मूर्खता न कर बैठना।
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Coming soon, Fiction
Brilliant Brontes Boxed Set [Box Set of 3] – Timeless Classics Stories by Bronte Sisters | Explore Themes Like Love/Loss/Morality | Stories Books Included: Jane Eyre | Wuthering Heights | Agnes Grey | Charlotte | Emily | Anne Bronte | Social Commentary on Gender/Class/Religion Issues| Victorian Era Stories by Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Anne Bronte (Hardcover)
Coming soon, FictionBrilliant Brontes Boxed Set [Box Set of 3] – Timeless Classics Stories by Bronte Sisters | Explore Themes Like Love/Loss/Morality | Stories Books Included: Jane Eyre | Wuthering Heights | Agnes Grey | Charlotte | Emily | Anne Bronte | Social Commentary on Gender/Class/Religion Issues| Victorian Era Stories by Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Anne Bronte (Hardcover)
This boxed set features three of the greatest novels in English literature by the legendary Bronte sisters: Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, and Agnes Grey. Experience the spellbinding storytelling of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne Bronte in one captivating collection. These timeless classics continue to inspire and captivate readers today, and this beautifully designed boxed set is the perfect gift for anyone who loves great literature. Don’t miss this opportunity to own three of the most beloved and enduring novels of all time, united in one stunning collection. Captivating storytelling, intricate plots, and complex characters Offers a unique perspective on women’s roles in society. Explore complex themes such as love, loss, and morality, with emotional depth Descriptions of nature and the landscape add depth and richness to their stories Offer social commentary on issues
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Classic Fiction, Fiction, Novel
Daddy Long Legs ( An Original Classic ) by Jean Webster (Hardback)
- Page : 113
- ISBN : 978-9394885523
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1 cm
- Jerusha Abbott at 18 years is the eldest orphan at John Grier Homeorphanage. All petty responsibilities of the kids at the orphanage reston her tender shoulders. One fine day, her mundane life under goes a surprising change when an unknown trustee of the orphanage to pay for her college education as he is very impressed by one of her essays! He promises her a liberal monthly allowanceand insists on being anonymous. His only condition is that Jerushashould send him monthly letters and keep him posted about her life in college, but not to expect any replies from him.What follows is an insight into Jerusha’s unexplored, fascinating world of college life through the letters that she writes to her unknownbenefactor. She addresses him adoringly as “Daddy-Long-Legs” as she had seen his long shadow once while he was leaving the asylum.She shares a love–hate–anger–gratitude relationship with him.Finally, at the end of the story, The identity of Daddy-Long-Legs is reveal Ed. Is her godfather someone familiar or a total stranger?.
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Classic Fiction, Fiction, Novel
David Copperfield by Charles Dickens (Hardback)
- Page : 651
- ISBN : 9789393198532
- Dimensions : 25.2 x 19 x 4.5 cm
“Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show. ”David Copperfield lives happily with his mother until she decides to marry the tyrannical Edward Murdstone. Abused and ill-treated by his stepfather, David is sent to the Salem House, a boarding school where he makes friends with the self-centred James Steerforth and the hapless Tom Taddles. David returns home upon his mother and half-brother’s demise, only to be neglected by his stepfather who sends him to work at their family bottling factory. What happens when after a miserable life at the factory, David runs away to his great-aunt Betsy Trotwood?A coming-of-age novel, David Copperfield presents Charles Dickens at his best. It is not only among his own personal favourites, but also draws on his life’s experiences. The novel has undergone several film and television adaptations and continues to be loved by the readers.
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Coming soon, Fiction
Dead Souls: A Novel By Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol (Hardcover)
Chichikov, a mysterious stranger, arrives in the provincial town of ‘N’, visiting a succession of landowners and making each a strange offer. He proposes to buy the names of dead serfs still registered on the census, saving their owners from paying tax on them, and to use these ‘dead souls’ as collateral to re-invent himself as a aristocrat.
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Fiction, Novel
Dear Enemy ( An Original Classic ) by Jean Webster (Hardback)
- Page : 188
- ISBN : 9789394885660
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 cm
Jean Webster (1876-1916) was an American novelist, playwright, and social activist. During the start of the twentieth century (1912), Webster wrote “Daddy-Long-Legs”, an epistolary, best-selling novel that she developed into a play. It met with much success, and the characters were sold as dolls, the money from which going to charities to help fund orphan adoptions. In 1915, Webster published the sequel, “Dear Enemy”. Written in the same epistolary form, “Dear Enemy” met with best-selling acclaim as well. The novel is unique in that the story is propelled by crude, stick-figure animations, drawn by Webster herself, that add a whimsical air to the social issues addressed, the care of orphans and women’s life choices in particular. Sadly, Webster died of childbirth fever in 1916, just a year after the success of “Dear Enemy”.
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English Classics
Desert Gold by Zane Grey (HARDCOVER)
Pulse-pounding action and adventure, while at the same time philosophical and sophisticated, Desert Gold packs a western- style punch! A face haunted Cameron-a woman’s face. It was there in the white heart of the dying campfire; it hung in the shadows that hovered over the flickering light; it drifted in the darkness beyond. This hour, when the day had closed and the lonely desert night set in with its dead silence, was one in which Cameron’s mind was thronged with mmories of a time long past-of a home back in Peoria, of a woman he had wronged and lost, and loved too late. He was a prospector for gold, a hunter of solitude, a lover of the drear, rock-ribbed infinitude, because he wanted to be alone to remember.
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Fiction, Novel
Dracula By Bram Stoker (Hardcover)
‘I could feel the soft, shivering touch of the lips on the super-sensitive skin of my throat and the hard dents of two sharp teeth, just touching and pausing there. I closed my eyes in a languorous ecstasy and waited waited with beating heart.’ In equal measures mesmerizing as it is diabolical, Dracula, told in epistolary format, is the story of Count Dracula and his attempt to move from Transylvania to England and the battle between him and a small team of people led by Professor Abraham Van Helsing.
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Fiction, Novel
Durgadas By Munshi Premchand (Hardcover)
जोधपुर के महाराज जसवन्तसिंह की सेना में आशकरण नाम के एक राजपूत सेनापति थे, बड़े सच्चे, वीर, शीलवान् और परमार्थी। उनकी बहादुरी की इतनी धाक थी, कि दुश्मन उनके नाम से कांपते थे। दोनों दयावान् ऐसे थे कि मारवाड़ में कोई अनाथ न था।, जो उनके दरबार से निराश लौटे। जसवन्तसिंह भी उनका :बड़ा आदर-सत्कार करते थे। वीर दुर्गादास उन्हीं के लड़के थे। छोटे का नाम जसकरण था। सन् 1605 ई., में आशकरण जी उज्जैन की लड़ाई में धोखे से मारे गये। उस समय दुर्गादास केवल पंद्रह वर्ष के थे पर ऐसे होनहार थे, कि जसवन्तसिंह अपने बड़े बेटे पृथ्वीसिंह की तरह इन्हें भी प्यार करने लगे। कुछ दिनों बाद जब महाराज दक्खिन की सूबेदारी पर गये, तो पृथ्वीसिंह को राज्य का भार सौंपा और वीर दुर्गादास को सेनापति बनाकर अपने साथ कर लिया। उस समय दक्खिन में महाराज शिवाजी का साम्राज्य था। मुगलों की उनके सामने एक न चलती थी; इसलिए औरंगजेब ने जसवन्तसिंह को भेजा था। जसवन्तसिंह के पहुंचते ही मार-काट बन्द हो गई। धीरे-धीरे शिवाजी और जसवन्तसिंह में मेल-जोल हो गया। औरंगजेब की इच्छा तो थी कि शिवाजी को परास्त किया जाये। यह इरादा पूरा न हुआ, तो उसने जसवन्तसिंह को वहां से हटा दिया, और कुछ दिनों उन्हें लाहौर में रखकर फिर काबुल भेज दिया। काबुल के मुसलमान इतनी आसानी से दबने वाले नहीं थे। भीषण संग्राम हुआ; जिसमें महाराजा के दो लड़के मारे गये। बुढ़ापे में जसवन्तसिंह को यही गहरी चोट लगी। बहुत दुःखी होकर वहां से पेशावर चले गये।
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Classic Fiction, Fiction
Fairy Tales [hardcover] by Helena Blavatsky
This work is in the “public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.
SKU: abhpuft -
Classic Fiction, Fiction, literary fiction, Literature & Fiction, Non-fiction
Five Weeks in a Balloon [hardcover] Jules Verne
Classic Fiction, Fiction, literary fiction, Literature & Fiction, Non-fictionFive Weeks in a Balloon [hardcover] Jules Verne
A journey of discovery by three Englishmen in Africa: Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne, published in 1863. Readers get a peek at the discovery of Africa in this book, which was still mostly unknown to Europeans at the time. The mission of Samuel Fergusson aims to connect the expeditions of Heinrich Barth in the Sahara and Chad with those of Sir Richard Burton and John Hanning Speke in East Africa. Although it is truly a savanna, the novel refers to the uncharted interior of Africa around the present-day Central African Republic as a desert. Starting in Zanzibar, the journey continues through Agadez, Timbuktu, Djenné, Lake Victoria, Lake Chad, and Ségou.Finding the source of the Nile was a major goal of the early expedition. Bringing together the other explorers is the second leg. There are several action-packed sequences that either feature a battle with a local or one with the environment
SKU: abhpufwia