Textile Technology
Showing 91–105 of 124 results
Coming soon, Textile Technology
Textile Functional Finishing By Dr. N. N. Mahapatra (Hardcover)
Finishing is the process of giving the texture and function required by the final product depending on the application while taking advantage of the characteristics of the textile. The texture imparts softness and hardness, and functions include water repellency, flame retardancy, anti-static, anti-odor, and so on. In this book, the author has, incorporated new types of functional Finishes which will be helpful for Technicians working in Textile Industries. Its about time we keep updating and upgrading ourselves, and so should our Finishing knowledge because we are entering an era with Smart Textiles backed by Artificial Intelligence.
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Textile Technology
Textile Materials for Medical Applications by Dr. N. Gokarneshan (H.B)
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182479012
- Hardcover : 339 pages
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 2.2 cm
- It is a judicious compilation of significant research contributions in the field. It would provide useful reading to the readers and stimulate their thinking for future research. It is intended to be a reference book. Medical textiles constitute one of the components of technical textiles. The major area of research in technical textiles is contributed by medical. textiles and hence this book would be a good contribution to the field of technical textiles. Over the past two decades a great deal of research has been done in the area of medical textiles, Many medical products have been developed from textile materials that are not only cost effective but also bio friendly and bio compatible to patients who use them. Medical textile products range from external applications like bandages, wound dressings, etc. to organ replacements, scaffold for tissue growth. Medical textiles find wide application in various specializations in the medical profession such as Gyaneocology, orthopaedics, neurology, oncology, ophthalmology, dermatology, cardiology, etc. Textile materials are finding to be an effective to their non textile counterparts in development of medical products.
It is hoped that the book would provide a good reading material to the readers and satisfy their research. needs to a considerable extent.SKU: n/a -
Mathematics, Textile Technology
Textile Mathematics by Thomas Woodhouse
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182479982
- Hardcover : 143 pages
The recent Education Act, in its relation to instruction in Continuation Schools and Classes, makes it desirable, if nature should appear, such books dealing with the Science subjects most closely correlated to each large industry. Some knowledge of Elementary Science is essential, not only to the students of Continuation Schools and Classes, but to practically all who wish to prosecute intelligently the study of the technology of any particular branch of industry.There are very few science textbooks which refer particularly to the textile industry, and it is hoped that this book-the first of two parts on Textile Mathematics as well as other books which are to be published shortly, will supply, in part at least, this want in textile literature.The general principles involved in all preliminary books on Mathematics are identical, although these principles may be explained in different ways. The present book, while embodying these common principles, differs from the usual books on the subject in that the principles are explained sp as to appeal to textile students, while practically all the examples and exercise bear directly on the problems of textileSKU: n/a -
Coming soon, Textile Technology
Textile Processing Problems And Its Solutions By Dr. N.N. Mahapatra (Hardcover)
Coming soon, Textile TechnologyTextile Processing Problems And Its Solutions By Dr. N.N. Mahapatra (Hardcover)
This book defines and identifies problems and the roots of a problem, and then goes on to explain various techniques that can be used for solving problems. It explores brainstorming and critical and creative thinking methods, usage of QC tools for diagnosing and taking decisions, and managing the change after implementing a solution. Case studies illustrate how solutions were found for the problems. By studying these techniques, readers can choose better techniques to solve their problems.
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Textile Technology
Textile Raw Materials by Ajay Jindal & Rakesh Jindal (H.B)
Textile Raw Materials provide complete and handy information on all classes of textile fibers- natural, regenerated and man-made in used. The book has been divided into six chapters. Chapter 1 is about introduction of textile fibers which covers classification, basic concepts, polymerization, characteristics and properties of textile fibre, Chapter 2 deals with natural fibres, their angin, source, types, production, physical and chemical properties, grading and end-use. Chapter 3 is about regenerated fibres, their manufacturing process, physical and chemical properties, ond-use etc.SKU: abhtrm -
Textile Technology
Textile Robotics and Automation : Mahadevan
1.textile robotics
2.automation in textile industry
3.automation in spinning lines
4.mechatronics design methodologies
5.friction mechanism of textile fibres
6.molecular theories and textile mechanism
7.computer in textile manufacturing
8.future trends in textile industry
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Textile Technology
Textile Testing by John H. Skinkle (H.B)
Textile testing is carried out for one of several reasons and at several stages in the production of the goods. In general, we may say that testing is carried out in order to answer one or more questions: Are the goods satisfactory? Are the goods better or poorer than another lot? What has been the effect of a certain process on the goods? If the goods are unsatisfactory or unusual, what is the cause of the abnormality? It will be seen that to answer all of these questions except the first involves a comparison of two samples; therefore, absolute standards and tolerances are necessary only to answer the first question. The answers to the first two questions are of interest primarily to the consumer, the answers to the last two questions are of interest to the manufacturer.Where several methods are available the one considered best will be given in detail, and the other methods will be mentioned or considered in less detail. Very often, approximate results may be obtained which are satisfactory for plant use or in a comparison and which require little or no special apparatus. These are especially valuable, since many small plants cannot afford expensive apparatus, and even larger plants occasionally wish to make a test of some sort which is not usually performed because it is unnecessary, and which does not warrant the outlay of any great sum of money.At the end of each chapter, a bibliography of references is given for each test which is mentioned in the chapter, so that if the reader is interested, he can obtain further information.SKU: n/a -
Textile Technology
Textile Weaving and Design by W.S.Murphy (H.B)
ISBN: 9788182471664
In this handy volume the author has contingently arranged the various branches of weaving and designing industry, and trusts that it will be found to meet the want which undoubtley exists for such a book.Each section of the book focuses on a basic aspect of weaving and designing or on general issue related to this subject. All the nine chapters follow the normal sequence used in weaving and designing. If chapter one gives introduction and general information chapter two tells how to design plain cloth, chapter 3 is devoted to twilling and four rearranges twills and checks, chapter five is on drafting and six gives information on figure weaving, chapter seven is on gauze pattern, chapter eight tells us about plush and valvet and last chapter nine has a detailed information on double clothes.Over all this comprehensive source book offers students a wealth of text as well visual information about weaving and designing.
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Textile Technology
The Chemical Technology of Textile Fibres by Dr. G.V. Georgievics (H.B)
In the present volume dealing with the Chemical Technology of the Textile Fibers (excepts concerns the dye-stuffs, which will be treated in a separate work the author has been obliged to condense the available matter as much as possible in order to preserve the form of a text-book. Nevertheless, it seemed necessary, in certain cases, in the interests of the book to give definite data and an exact description of individual processes. In STOL instances the details en gathered exclusively either from the cullus personal experience en kolesources. The most important is the chapter treating of dyeing whilst cruise? other hand, the subjectivity had to be dealt with in a more general fashion the materials being less suitable for treatment in text-book style The author thinks it desirable to point out that in the present work an attempt has been made to completely separate the chemical and mechanical technology of the subject a standpoint he considers justified by the extensive area occupied by each of these branches. Hence only a few sketches of apparatus have been given, and the methods of dressing the finished goods have been described very briefly since they almost entirely belong to the domain of mechanical technology
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Textile Technology
The Dyeing and Cleaning of Textile Fabrics by F.A.Owen (Hardback)
- Page : 224
- ISBN : 978-8182479999
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 cm
- Excerpt from The Dyeing and Cleaning of Textile Fabrics: A Handbook for the Amateur and the Professional IN placing before the reader these useful recipes and processes it has been necessary to use some terms not familiar to everyone, and, therefore, some pages are first taken up with a description and elucidation of such matters as may reasonably be supposed to need explanation. The different processes are class ified as much as possible, and directions for dyeing occupy the first part of the book, while cleaning and re-dyeing are treated afterward. Some recipes do not admit of exact classification, and some are ap plicable to more than one class of materials; but it is hoped that by a frequent use of the index, which it has been the intention to make fairly complete, the user of the book will be able to find what he needs.
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Textile Technology
The Dyeing of Cotton Fabrics by F. Beech
isbn :978-818247-275-4
Hardback: 280
In this handy book the author has endeavoured to supply the dyer of cotton fabrics with a conveniently arrganged handbook dealing with the various branches of cotton dyeing industry, and trusts that it will be found to meet the want which undoubtedly exists for such a book.The text on which the is based is expressed in le “the dyeing of cottonics” and enlarging upon it the author has described clearly in detail the various processes and operations generally, pointing out the principles involved and illustrating these by numerous recipes, showing the applications of a great variety of dyes in the production of the dyes.So author feels that this book is must for every industry involved in textile manufacturing, must for every textile student and institute.SKU: n/a -
Textile Technology
The Dyeing of Woollen Fabrics by Franklin Beech (Hardback)
- Dimension : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.6
- ISBN-13 : 978-81-85733-302
In this book the author has endeavoured to supply the dyer of woollen fabrics with a conveniently arranged handbook dealing with the various branches of the wool dyeing industry, and trusts that it will be found to meet the want which undoubtedly exists for such a book.
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Textile Technology
The Dyer’s Guide by Thomas Packer
- Hardcover : 112 pages
- ISBN-10 : 8182478553
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182478558
- Item Weight : 264 g
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.1 cm
As the name suggests the book is an ultimate guide for the fabric dyer’s. It consists of 6 well crafted and in depth chapters named, introductory, on dyeing cotton on dyeing silk, on sourcing and dyeing wool, on dyeing silk and cotton bla, on dyeing cotton and silk.
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