Self Help
Showing 1–15 of 72 results
Psychology, Science
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding by David Hume (H.B)
A man in a fit of anger, is actuated in a very different manner from one who only thinks of that emotion. If you tell me, that any person is in love, I easily understand your meaning, and form a just conception of his situation; but never can mistake that conception for the real disorders and agitations of the passion. When we reflect on our past sentiments and affections, our thought is a faithful mirror, and copies its objects truly; but the colours which it employs are faint and dull, in comparison of those in which our original perceptions were clothed. It requires no nice discernment or metaphysical head to mark the distinction between them. -from “Of the Origin of Ideas” David Hume may well be the most significant philosopher ever to write in the English language: his arguments dramatically influenced both scientific and religious thinking, and much of what he wrote-particular concerning free will, political theory, and religion-still sounds startlingly modern. This 1748 treatise is the great thinker’s thinking on thinking. What can we know, and how can we be sure we really know it? Is there ever any “truth” outside of what we experience inside our own heads? Does experience lead to knowledge, or does experience in fact foil and fool our understanding of the world? Deeply empiricist and skeptical, Hume’s ideas continue to be reflected in everything from modern psychology to modern science fiction.
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Self Help, Skill Development
Art of Conversation by W.Smith (Hardcover)
Citing the disrepair into which conversation has fallen in the modern world, an English writer draws on examples from history, literature, and other disciplines to counsel readers on how to rebuild their conversational tools in order to make more qualitative connections with other people. 50,000 first printing.
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Self Help
Autobiography of A Yogi: Hardcover Classic Edition by Parmahansa Yogananda
This acclaimed autobiography presents a fascinating portrait of one of the great spiritual figures of our time. With engaging candour, eloquence, and wit, Paramahansa Yogananda narrates the inspiring chronicle of his life: The experiences of his remarkable childhood, encounters with many saints and sages during his youthful search throughout India for an illumined teacher, ten years of training in the hermitage of a revered yoga master, and the thirty years that he lived and taught in America. Also recorded here are his meetings with Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Luther burbank, the Catholic stigmatist the present Neumann, and other celebrated spiritual personalities of East and West. Autobiography of a Yogi is at once a beautifully written account of an exceptional life and a profound introduction to the ancient Science of yoga and its time-honoured tradition of meditation. The author clearly explains the subtle but definite laws behind both the ordinary events of everyday life and the extraordinary events commonly termed miracles. His absorbing life story thus becomes the background for a penetrating and unforgettable look at the ultimate mysteries of human existence. Considered a modern spiritual classic, The book has been translated into more than twenty languages and is widely used as a text and reference work in colleges and universities. A perennial bestseller since it was first published sixty years ago, autobiography of a Yogi has found its way into the hearts of millions of readers around the world.
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Self Help, Skill Development
Build Your Career as Radio Jockey by Jyoti Kumar Chaudhary (HB)
Career in Radio Jockey: Once the question crops in your mind as to “how to become a radio jockey,” the second thing which you must ask yourself is what are the qualities required to become a Radio Jockey. So, let me tell you that your voice quality is very important if you want to make a career in Radio Jockeying. All of us want to hear a voice that is soothing and pleasant to the ears. Another important quality is to be knowledgeable and well versed with a wide array of things to be able to talk about anything and everything. If there is no substance to the talk and communication is not right, the audience connects will be missing. To sum up, RJs should be well versed with literature, require sound general knowledge and awareness of current issues all the while presenting it in an acceptable manner to the audience. So, before proceeding to the career in radio jockey, let us first understand what exactly is a radio jockey and what fields it covers.
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Self Help, Skill Development
Career in Electronic Media by Dr. Anita Kaur (HB)
The radio, television, computer and telephone are forms of electronic media which are used in our daily lives. The majority of people who obtain a degree in electronic media go on to work in television. A career in this field can be very fun and rewarding. This field comprises relaying significant information to the public via television, radio and the Internet. Originally, a flair for writing, excellent communication skills and the ability to work hard were the basic necessity for pursuing a career in electronic media. Today, with the growth in the industry, academic qualifications are also vital to prove one’s worth in electronic media.
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Coming soon, Self Help
Chanakya’s Wisdom : Sri Chanakya Niti-Shastra, Its Meaning and Application in Modern Times by B.N. Ojha (Hardcover)
Coming soon, Self HelpChanakya’s Wisdom : Sri Chanakya Niti-Shastra, Its Meaning and Application in Modern Times by B.N. Ojha (Hardcover)
Strategies for Success“An action contemplated shouldn’t ever be advertised; But kept a secret like a mantra, and revealed in time.”We all feel stuck at times. There could be many reasons for this—issues at work, finding it difficult to cope up with studies, job placements, business growth, establishing an enterprise financial troubles or embarrassing social situations. Most of us could use a little advice in these circumstances. Chanakya Neeti provides precisely that guidance to face life’s many daunting challenges. Chanakya, the great thinker and teacher, is well-known for his insights into the needs of both the privileged and the masses. The original Chanakya Neeti was written over two thousand years ago, but its brilliant verses are still applicable today because the basic quests of man remain the same—peace, prosperity and happiness. In this book we will not just take you through the traslated version of the chanakya neeti but also explain in details the meaning and relavence of those verses in your life. This book is helpful for students, professionals, entrepreneurs and home makers alike. So read it to get enlightened. It offeres strategies and ideas how to manage oneself and life in order to ther maximum reward in life.
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Dictionary, Self Help
Dictionary of Idioms and Phrases: Ashok Bhalla (Hardback)
In the following pages and effort has been made to give some important idioms and phrases that would help the learners in the appreciation of the language. A command over idioms and phrases is very desirable, use of idioms and phrases adds richness, beauty and power to one’s expression. The attempt has been make to keep the language simple and tried to include only such idioms and phrases which a layman too can understand.
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Coming soon, Self Help
Dr. Joseph Murphy’s Success Set For life : Set of 4 Hardcover Classic Edition Books; For Home Collection and Gifting By Dr. Joseph Murphy (Hardcover)
Coming soon, Self HelpDr. Joseph Murphy’s Success Set For life : Set of 4 Hardcover Classic Edition Books; For Home Collection and Gifting By Dr. Joseph Murphy (Hardcover)
This beautiful set consists of 4 of the globally bestselling books of Dr. Joseph Murphy, Riches Are Your Rights, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, The Miracles Of Your Mind and Psychic Perceptions. This set is all you need to attain success in personal and professional life. Dr. Joseph Murphy has always been on the forefront of preaching that anyone can attain and achieve his desired goals and wealth through the power of his thoughts. These four books equip the readers with the right mindset and focus of direction, that leads them to their desired goals.
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Self Help
Foundation Stone To Happiness and Success [hardcover] James Allen
Where do we search to find Happiness and Success? The deep happiness, the fulfilling and peaceful place we all desire. In Foundation Stones to Happiness and Success, James Allen shows us where to begin to search and how to start building a strong foundation on which to build our happiness and success. “It is wise to know what comes first, and what to do first. To begin anything in the middle or at the end is to make a muddle of it.” James Allen was a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetry and as a pioneer of the self-help movement. Allen’s practical philosophy for successful living has awakened millions to the discovery that “they are makers of themselves”. Allen insists that it is within the power of each person to form his character and create his happiness.
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Self Help
From Poverty to Power by James Allen (Hardback)
- ISBN: 9788190575072
- Page: 128
- Dimensions : 22 x 14 x 1 cm
From Poverty to Power, James Allen’s first book, sketches a line of development along which each one person should work in order to achieve the greatest amount of success and power. Enduring success in any direction is shown to be the result of inward adjustment and growth. From Poverty to Power contains two sections, The Path to Prosperity and The Way of Peace. Each were later published as individual books.
James Allen was a British philosophical writer known for his inspirational books and poetry. He is also regarded as a pioneer of self-help movement. Allen’s practical philosophy for successful living has awakened millions to the discovery that “they themselves are makers of themselves”. Allen insists that it is within the power of each person to form his own character and create his own happiness.
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Geography, Science
Global Warming by Ashok Bhalla (HB)
this book focuses on two aspects of global environmental change, global warming and the depletion of stratospher ozone. It is intended as a text for a beginning level undergraduate course in the broad curricular are of environmental science. Its emphasis is that of physical science applied at a very basic level to the atmosphere.
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Self Help
Habits That Handicap
The Peril Of The Drug Habit
The Need Of The Adequate Specific Treatment For The Drug Taker
The Drug Taker And The Physician
Psychology And Drugs
Help For The Hard Drinker
Classification Of The Alcoholics
The Injuriousness Of Tobacco
Tobacco And The Future Of The Race
The Sanatorium
Preventive Measures For The Drug Evil
Classification Of Habit -forming Drugs
Psychology Of Addiction
Relation Of Drugs And Alcohol To Insanity Appendix
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Health & Wellbeing, Self Help
Health by Walter V. Woods (Hardback)
- Hardcover : 110 pages
- ISBN-13 : 978-8182478442
- Item Weight : 256 g
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.2 cm
This book serves as ready guide to a healthy living. It teaches the basic principles of maintaining health through 9 Chapters on topics like: air, water, food and drink, clothing, bath and bathing, physical exercise, rest, dwelling.
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