Showing 1–15 of 33 results
A Guide to Mythology by Helen A. Clarke (Hardback)
- Page : 277
- ISBN : 9789394885493
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 2 cm
Excerpt: from A Guide to Mythology ‘My aim in this book on Mythology for young readers has been to give them solid knowledge on the subject, as far as it is advisable to go with im mature minds, based upon the most recent investigations of scholars, and to select the myths used in illustration of the plan, with a View to giving them interesting stories to read, which will, almost unconsciously to themselves, lay a firm foundation for the fascinating study of Comparative Mythology, should they wish to go more deeply into it in the future.’
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Coming soon, Religion
All One Must Know About The Sikh Faith by Colonel Daljeet Singh Cheema (Hardcover)
Coming soon, ReligionAll One Must Know About The Sikh Faith by Colonel Daljeet Singh Cheema (Hardcover)
Sikhism is the youngest of the major religions of the world and is also the most modern in its practice. Founded by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, the faith is about truthfulness, earning livelihood through honest means, sharing with those whose needs are more than ours and worshipping One God; and its aim is to promote equality, love, peace, and compassion. Yet, it has not been understood and interpreted in its correct perspective though the world of today needs this message more than ever before. The book is for anyone who seeks truth and wants to know the Sikh Faith, particularly for the youth who seems to be lost while searching for it.
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History, Religion
Bhakti Yoga by Swami Vivekananda (Hardcover)
- ISBN : 978-8182479128
- Page : 94
- Dimensions : 22 x 14 x 1 cm
Bhakti Yoga, or the path of devotion, is based on the doctrine Love is God and God is Love. The Bhakti yogi experiences separation and longs to meet or even just glimpses his beloved, God. Nothing else attract him, nothing else holds his attention, all else is meaningless. Bhakti Yoga appeals particularly to those of an emotional nature. The Bhakti Yogi is motivated chiefly by the power of love and sees God as the embodiment of Love. Through prayer, worship and ritual he surrenders himself to God, channelling and transmuting his emotions into unconditional love or devotion. Chanting or singingthe praises of God form a substantial part of Bhakti Yoga
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Buddhism, Religion, Religion & Philosophy
Buddhist Mahayana Texts [Hardcover]by F. Max Muller
The Sanskrit text of the Buddha-Karita was published at the beginning of last year in the anecdota Oxoniesia, and the following English Translation is now included in the series of ‘ Sacred Books of the East.’ It is an early Sanskrit poem written in India on the legendary history Of Buddha and therefore contains much that is of interest to the history of Buddhism, besides its special importance as illustrating the early history of classical Sanskrit literature.
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Coming soon, Religion
Gita And Gospel by Neil Alexander (Hardcover)
Gita and Gospel a Thouth provoking Exploration of the intersection between two of the world’s most influential spiritual texts. a central scripture of Hinduism, and the Christian Gospels. Farquhar delves into the core philosophies and spiritual teachings of both texts, examining topics such as duty, righteousness, and salvation. He critically assesses the role of divine intervention, the concept of godly love, and the paths to spiritual liberation in both traditions. Farquhar’s work aims to foster mutual understanding and respect between followers of Hinduism and Christianity by highlighting both common ground and unique aspects. This book serves as a valuable resource for those interested in interfaith dialogue and comparative theology.
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Coming soon, Religion
God, The Invisible King By H. G. Wells (Hardcover)
“God the Invisible King” reflects Wells’s contemplation of the spiritual and moral dimensions of human existence in the midst of global conflict. The book presents his personal reflections on Christianity, God, and the potential for a deeper spiritual understanding. In “God the Invisible King,” Wells discusses various topics, including the nature of God, the influence of organized religion, the significance of personal faith, and the implications of scientific advancements on religious beliefs. He emphasizes the importance of a universal and ethical approach to religion that transcends denominational differences. Wells’s approach to religion in “God the Invisible King” has been described as a mixture of rationalism, mysticism, and social critique.
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Hindu Tales From The Sanskrit by S. M. Mitra (Hardback)
- Page : 120
- ISBN : 9789394885820
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1 cm
Thanks to Mr. S. M. Mitra, the well-known Hindu psychologist and politician, who has done so much to draw more closely together the land of his birth and that of his adoption, I am able to bring within reach of English children a number of typical Hindu Tales, translated by him from the Sanskrit, some of them culled from the ancient classics of India, others from widely separated sources. The latter have hitherto been quite inaccessible to western students, as they are not yet embodied in literature, but have been transmitted orally from generation to generation for many centuries.
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Coming soon, Religion
Indian Myth And Legend By Donald A. Mackenzie (Hardcover)
“Indian Myths & Legends” explores the themes and landscapes that created the tales, and reveals the boundless energy that brought us the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, retelling the stories of Krishna, Buddha and Shiva.
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Coming soon, Religion
Japji Sahib Simplified For Children and Beginners ; (Gurmukhi/Roman/English (Tri- Lingual), With Explanation of Each Shlok/ Pauri For better Understanding by Colonel Daljeet Singh Cheema (Paperback))
Coming soon, ReligionJapji Sahib Simplified For Children and Beginners ; (Gurmukhi/Roman/English (Tri- Lingual), With Explanation of Each Shlok/ Pauri For better Understanding by Colonel Daljeet Singh Cheema (Paperback))
“Japji Sahib”, the most celebrated composition of Guru Nanak Dev Ji, has not yet reached the common man, because the gurmukhi language used in the scred text is very different from the present day punjabi. A humble effort has been made to present the guru’s message in as simple a manner as possible for the common man to understand the sikh way to divine.
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History, Religion
Jnana Yoga by Swami Vivekananda (Hardcover)
- ISBN : 978-8182479111
- Page : 194
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 cm
Jnana is the intellectual path of scriptures and self study, considered to be one of the most direct and yet challenging means fo spiritual development. The concept fo Jnana yoga was first described in the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu text which focuses on liberation from suffering. Although Jnana Yoga involves the progressive study of the scriptures, it is not solely theoretical, encompassing the practical,experiential knowledge which stems from meditation training.
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History, Religion
Karma and Raja Yoga by Swami Vivekananda (Hardcover)
- ISBN : 978-8182479104
- Page : 164
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.3 cm
Karma yoga, also called karma marga, is one of the three classical spiritual paths in Hinduism, one based on the yoga of action the others being Jnana yoga and Bhakti yoga. To a karma yoga right action is a form of prayer. Raja Yoga was both the goal of yoga and a method of attain it. The term also became a modern name for the practice of yoga in the 19th century when Swami Vevekananda gave his interpretation of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in his book Raja Yoga.
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