Polytechnic Textbooks
Showing all 11 results
Polytechnic Textbooks
Applied Mechanics : For Engineering and Polytechnic Courses
Author : Prof. Harbhajan Singh
the book includes all the topics as made mandatory by AICTE for all engineering and diploma level courses: the contents of the book are : Introduction to mechanics, Laws of Forces, Movements, Friction, Centre of Gravity, Simple Lifting machines and Moment of Inertia
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Polytechnic Textbooks
Digital Electronics ;Dr. S.K. Bhattacharya
This book includes the following chapters
1.Number Systems and Codes
2. Logic Gates
3. Boolean algebra and logic simplification
4. Design of Combinational Logic Circuits
5. Arithmetic Circuits
6. Decoder, Encoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer
7. Sequential Circuit Design
8. Shift Registers
9. Counters
10. A/D and D/A Converters
11. Logic FamilySKU: n/a -
Polytechnic Textbooks
Earthquake Resistant Building Construction For Polytechnic: Prof. Harbhajan Singh
Polytechnic TextbooksEarthquake Resistant Building Construction For Polytechnic: Prof. Harbhajan Singh
This book covers the complete syllabus on the title subject for the students of diploma in civil engineering for state boards across India. The book covers the following chapters
- Introduction to Seismic Design Parameters
- Performance of Buildings Under Past Earthquakes
- Introduction To Provisions of IS:1893
- Introduction To Ductile Detailing Provisions of IS:13920 For R.C. Buildings
- Introduction to IS:4326 for construction of earthquake resistant masonary buildings
- Planning and Designing Construction of Earthquake Resistant Buildings
- Disaster Management
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Polytechnic Textbooks
Engineering Drawing 1 :Punjab Rai: Common For All Polytechnic Courses
Author : Punjab Rai (Thapar University)
ISBN: 9788182473881
The book covers complete syllabus for 1st semester diploma in engineering courses across India. The contents cover the 1st semester syllabus of all the state boards of technical education in India and are at parity with AICTE guidelines. Ample amount of questions, MCQs and sample papers are given in this book.
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Polytechnic Textbooks
English & Communication Skills – 2 : P.K. Singla: Alwinder Dhillon
This is an exclusively prescribed book on the subject by the State Board of Technical Education, New Delhi and State Board of Technical Education, Punjab. This a compulsory subject in all the technical as well as non technical courses. The book Covers Reading Skills, Speaking Skills, Listening Skills and Writing Skills and comes with a CD.
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Polytechnic Textbooks
English & Communication Skills -1 : P.K. Singla; Alwinder Dhillon
This is an exclusively prescribed book on the subject by the State Board of Technical Education, New Delhi and State Board of Technical Education, Punjab. This a compulsory subject in all the technical as well as non technical courses. The book Covers Reading Skills, Speaking Skills, Listening Skills and Writing Skills and comes with a CD.
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Polytechnic Textbooks
Mechanical Engineering Drawing : Prof. Raj Kumar
This book is suitable for the students of diploma in mechanical engineering course. It covers all the relavent topics in the form of questions and also helps students in understanding the detailed drawing keeping in mind the latest examination patterns.
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Polytechnic Textbooks
Relational Database Management System: N.P. Singh
This book covers the syllabus for the subject Relational Database Management System, for all the technical education boards in India. The book includes multiple choice questions and has a point by point chapter coverage.
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