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Classic Fiction, Fiction, literary fiction, literature, Literature & Fiction, Non-fiction, Novel
Anne of Ingleside [hardcover] by L M Montgomery
Classic Fiction, Fiction, literary fiction, literature, Literature & Fiction, Non-fiction, NovelAnne of Ingleside [hardcover] by L M Montgomery
Anne of Ingleside is a children’s novel by Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery. Chronologically, Anne of Ingleside precedes Rainbow Valley. Seven years on from ‘Anne’s House of Dreams’ the Blythes have set up home in a house they affectionately name Ingleside. Anne and Gilbert now have several children who engage in a series of adventures and mishaps with the other local youngsters. Anne begins to worry that her husband no longer loves her but vows to make him fall for her again.
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What Mother Of A Deaf Child Ought To Know [hardcover] John Dutton Write
“As a mother of a deaf child and one whose experience has been unusual only in that it has been more fortunate than that of the average mother so situated, I want to place before you ( the teachers of the deaf) a plea for the education of the parents of little def children.
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