Showing 106–120 of 215 results
Fiction, Novel
Rangbhoomi By Munshi Premchand (Hardcover)
Premchand was born on 31 July 1880 in a Kayastha family in Lamahi village of Varanasi district (Uttar Pradesh). His mother’s name was Anandi Devi and father’s name was Munshi Ajaybrai, who was a postman in Lamhi. His real name was Dhanpat Rai Srivastava. Premchand (Premchand) had his early education in Persian. In relation to Premchand’s parents, Ramvilas Sharma writes that- “When he was seven years old, his mother died. He was married when he was fifteen and his father died when he was sixteen years old. also passed away.”During the non-cooperation movement in 1921, on the call of Mahatma Gandhi to leave the government job, he resigned from the post of school inspector on 23rd June. After this he made writing his profession. He worked as an editor in magazines like Maryada, Madhuri etc. In the meantime, he along with Pravasilal also bought Saraswati Press and brought out Hans and Jagran. The press did not prove commercially profitable for him. In 1933, he accepted Mohanlal Bhavnani’s offer to work as a story writer in the Cinetone Company to settle his debts. Premchand did not like the film city. He could not complete even one year’s contract and left two months’ salary and returned to Banaras. His health continued to deteriorate. He died on 8 October 1936 after a long illness.SKU: n/a -
Fiction, Novel
Riders of the Purple Sage by Zane Grey (Hardback)
- Page : 313
- ISBN : 9789356520097
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 2.2 cm
Initially published in 1912 and the first of Zane Grey’s many bestsellers, this stirring tale of adventure in the high country established the prototype for western novels of the twentieth century. The plot’s focus is a proud young heroine who’s determined to defend her Utah ranch. She stands alone against the villains who rustle and stampede her cattle — until a stranger rides into the territory. Notorious as the scourge of Mormon transgressors, the stranger stays on to assist in the inevitable showdown, and romance blooms amid the canyons and cottonwoods. A classic of American frontier fiction, Riders of the Purple Sage teems with color, authenticity, and thrills.
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Fiction, literature
Rilla Of Ingleside [hardcover] Lucy Maud Montgomery
Rilla of Ingleside is the final book in the Anne of Green Gables series but was the sixth of the eight “Anne” novels. This book draws the focus back onto a single character, Anne and Gilbert’s youngest daughter Bertha Marilla “Rilla” Blythe. It has a more serious tone, as it takes place during World War I and the three Blythe boys – Jem, Walter, and Shirley- along with Rilla’s sweetheart Ken Ford, and playmates Jerry Meredith and Carl Meredith – end up fighting in Europe.
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Coming soon, Fiction, Play
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare (Hardcover)
For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo.?* *Romeo and Juliet is one of the most popular and frequently enacted plays penned by Shakespeare. Despite the violent feud between families, the play weaves a fated love story between two young lovers, the ?Montague? Romeo and the ?Capulet? Juliet. Their intense love leads to inseparability between lovers and open warfare between families, as ?Violent delights have violent ends.?* *Written at an early stage of Shakespeare?s literary career, every line breathes a certain passion and newness. It is beautifully adorned in imagery and symbolism. The play is often quoted, even today, as a quintessential example of ‘immortality of love’.*
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Fiction, Novel
Sati By Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay (Hardcover)
हरीश पबना एक संभ्रांत, भला वकील है, केवल वकालत के हिसाब से ही नहीं, मनुष्यता के हिसाब से भी । अपने देश के सब प्रकार के शुभ अनुष्ठानों के साथ वह थोड़ा-बहुत संबंधित रहता है। शहर का कोई भी काम उसे अलग रखकर नहीं होता। सबेरे ‘दुर्नीति – दमन समिति’ की कार्यकारिणी सभा का एक विशेष अधिवेशन था, काम समाप्तकर घर लौटते हुए थोड़ा विलंब हो गया था। अब किसी तरह थोड़ा सा खा-पीकर अदालत पहुँचना आवश्यक है। विधवा छोटी बहन उमा पास बैठी हुई देखभाल कर रही थी कि कहीं समय की कमी से खाने-पीने में कमी न रह जाए।
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Fiction, Novel
Sevasadan By Munshi Premchand (Hardcover)
Highlighting the social issues prevalent in the country at the turn of the twentieth century, Munshi prenchand’s sevasadan (1918) narrates the poignant tale of Suman, who is trapped in an unhappy, mismatched marriage owing to the evils of the Dowry system. It traces her journey from being the virtuous housewife to being ‘Sumangali’, a courtesan in the kothas of Varanasi.
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Fiction, Novel
Shrikant By Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyah (Hardcover)
आत्मकथात्मक शैली में रचित एवं चार भागों में विभक्त ‘श्रीकान्त’ शरत्चन्द्र चट्टोपाध्याय का रोचक, पठनीय एवं संग्रहणीय उपन्यास है, जो पुरुष प्रधान होते हुए भी नारी संवेदना का संवाहक है। इसके नायक श्रीकांत बचपन से ही धुन के धनी और मस्तमौला थे। किसी के साथ या एक ही जगह लंबे समय तक रहना उन की प्रकृति के विरुद्ध था। समाज में उन्हें कोई अपना कहने वाला था, तो केवल उनकी बचपन की सहपाठिन राजलक्ष्मी, जिसने नौ साल की उम्र में ही चैदह साल के किशोर श्रीकांत को करौंदों की माला पहनाकर अपना बनाना चाहा था। फिर भी क्या वह श्रीकांत को अपना बना सकी? यही इस उपन्यास का कथ्य है।
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Fiction, Novel
Silas Marner ( An Original Classic) by George Eliot (H.B)
Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe is the third novel by George Eliot, published in 1861. It is an outwardly simple tale of a linen weaver, but notable for its strong realism and sophisticated treatment of a variety of issues ranging from religion to industrialization to community. Eliot combines symbolism with a historically precise setting to create a tale of love and hope.
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Fiction, Novel
Somnath By Acharya Chatursen (Hardback)
भारत के कोने-कोने से श्रद्धालु यात्री ठठ-के-ठठ बारहों महीने इस महातीर्थ में आते और सोमनाथ के भव्य दर्शन करते थे। अनेक राजा-रानी, राजवंशी, धनी – कुबेर, श्रीमंत साहूकार यहां महीनों रुके रहते थे और अनगिनत धन-रत्न, गांव-धरती सोमनाथ के चरणों में चढ़ा जाते थे।उसी अवर्णनीय, अतुलनीय वैभव से युक्त सोमनाथ के पतन की करुण कथा और सुलतान महमूद गजनवी के सत्रहवें आक्रमण की क्रूर कहानी है। इसमें वीरता और निष्ठा भी है, तो कायरता और स की घृणित तस्वीर भी । कहीं स्नेह और प्रेम के धागे हैं, तो कहीं निष्ठुरता और जुल्म के बर्छ-भाले भी। यह एक ऐसा उपन्यास है, जो पाठक के सामने एक पूरे युग का सम्पूर्ण चित्र खड़ा कर देता है। एक-एक दृश्य जीता-जागता और दिल को छू लेने वाला है।.
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Fiction, Novel
Tess of the d’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy (H.B)
“Why didn’t you tell me there was danger in men-folk? Why didn’t you warn me?”Tess Durbeyfield, the young, graceful and virtuous daughter of a poor peddler, falls prey to the unscrupulous desires of Alec d’Urberville, the rich and licentious heir of the d’Urberville estate where she is sent to work as a farmhand. After giving birth to his son who dies in a few weeks, Tess joins a dairy farm outside the village, working as a milkmaid. Her life seems to change for good when she meets Angel Clare, the progressive son of a parson, who falls in love with her and wants to marry her. But as their wedding date approaches, Tess finds herself on the horns of a dilemma, overshadowed by the bitter truth of her past. A victim of the nineteenth-century English social morality, what sort of future awaits Tess?Received critically by the readers of his era, Thomas Hardy’s Tess of d’Urbervilles is a heart-rending tragedy. Listed among the best-loved novels of all time on The Big Read, a survey conducted by BBC, the novel has undergone numerous adaptations and continues to appeal to its readers.
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Fiction, Novel
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (Hardback)
- Page : 256
- ISBN : 978-8182478022
- Dimensions : 22.5 x 14.5 x 1.8 cm
Satirical and nostalgic, Mark Twain’s epic masterpiece, the Adventures of Tom Sawyer, brings out the inequities of adult reality from beneath the innocence of childhood. In the fictional town of St. Petersburg, Missouri, along the Mississippi River, Tom Sawyer lives with his Aunt Polly and half-brother Sid. As the novel begins, we catch him stealing from the jam jar and narrowly escaping being hit. But his life is full of adventurous episodes. What happens as he moves from one escapade to another—accompanying Huckleberry Finn to the graveyard at night where they witness a trio of grave robbers; falling in love with Becky Thatcher and being shunned; enjoying the new found freedom and then being struck by the idea of appearing at his own funeral; hunting for buried treasure in a haunted house with Huck and so on..? The Adventures of Tom Sawyer has been widely adapted into feature films and television series. it is followed by Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
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